Well I guess today is the Day

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We've been told this day would happen.Two of us would be taken tonight.Some of us wanted to go, some didn't.

This day is what everyone had been talking about for years even now in the eve of September 19. In school too, every one going on and on about what was about to go down today at midnight.

"Oh, I really hope I get picked tonight"said Layla.

"Why ?" I ask

"Well because I totally deserve more than this town can offer" say's the Mayor's daughter.

"Right" I hear another girl standing next to me. "As if, with your grades you ain't going anywhere and whoever picks the people surely knows that."

"Now with my strait A's I at least have a shot at going."

"Ugh! Marigold who do think is going to get picked?" says Layla.

" I don't know but, I just hope it's not me"

"But, why don't you wanna go.Surely you could have a better live"

"Well mom needs me to help in the shop, at least until Gabby is old enough to work"

"Oh sorry. I forgot you help your mom in the clothe shop"

"Well gotta go, good luck tonight!" I say as a way to get out of this weird situation.

"Bye! Good Luc-" Layla said stopping mid sentence. "And Happy Birthday Marigold"

                                                                   *     *     *            

             I rushed to get home after a particularly hard day at school. Just wish people would stop talking about it or at least asking me about it. Honestly I would mind going if the circumstances were different.But my family needs me.Life hasn't been easy since dad left 5 years ago. Now my mom runs a simple clothe shop and I help her in the shop or taking care of my siblings. I have 2 sister's and a brother. Gabby the second oldest at 10 years old started helping mother a couple months ago taking care of the twins Marie and Luke. Their both 6 years old and the most energetic kids in the whole town. Then there's me. The only one in danger of being taken tonight.Today I turn 13 years old and well also could be taken to the prestigious "Walt Disney Academy" to learn how to become a fairy tale character. I could think of a whole list of reason's why I shouldn't go.

              As I get home I am greeted by hugs from Marie and Luke and a small cupcake with a lit birthday candle presented by Gabby who with her angelic voice sings "Happy Birthday".

"Happy Birthday Marigold!" Scream the twins at the end of the song.

"Thank you guys" I say as a look down at the cupcake and blew the candle. " You really shouldn't have. No like really how much did that cost" I said in a worried tone. I didn't want them to waste money on me.I know that sounds selfish but we need to keep every penny we have in case of the outcomes of today.

"Don't worry about it" said Gabby.

"Yeah, why do you worry so much Marigold you should relax it's your birthday" said Marie in a playful tone.

"Okay but no more surprises" I said.

"There might be one more" said Luke with a smile on his face.

"Fine but at least let me bathe first okay" I said really wanting to get cleaned after a long day.

  Author's notes

Finally the first chapter is finished.


This is my first story ever and I really hoped who ever is reading this enjoys it.If it's trash then remember it's my first story and i wrote this at like 2 in the morning sooooo yeah.

I really pushed myself to 550 words but in my opinion it came along nicely.If you like it then please send it to your friend I would also appreciate fed back.Thank you!

Until next time my love's!!

P.S part of this story kind of follows a book called "School of Good and Evil" if you read it before you know what it mean and if you don't go read the book it's amazing.So yeah don't copyright me on the idea.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 17, 2020 ⏰

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