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Dr. Ro Marriet had only a seconds warning before an enemy smashed through the door, but that was all they needed.

The door rattled on its hinges, a mutilated lock trailing behind like a broken limb. A rectangle of blinding light filled the holding pen, and silhouetted among the whiteness was the dark figure of a tall man with broad shoulders, a forest green uniform with a high collar, and a wrench hanging out of his clenched fist. He raised his head and glared through the net of his white hair. His eyes were such an intense shade of mint green, they resembled two piercing screens.

Marriet stiffened, weapon already in their grip. Behind their back, they could feel the frightened stares of the children. Even the smallest, just barely standing on his short under-developed legs, had frozen in place. They better not interfere.

The enemy did not hesitate: he came in swinging his wrench. As he attacked, he did not say a word. Marriet dodged under the blow and seized his wrist, unbalancing him with a quick step. The enemy panted and swung his other arm around, gripping the side of Marriet's face. His fingers - also marked with veins of cool green - clawed at their cheek and slipped under their surgical mask.

With a gasp, Marriet elbowed his arm and he let go. They turned around and aimed the weapon at him. Loaded, the safety was off, the sharp iron nose pointed at the enemy, before unleashing a blast that echoed through the room. The shell flew through the air and slid across the tile.

"Stop! Don't hurt him!" A child cried, running up to Marriet and hugging their leg with his little dark fists. His eyes were large, pleading, and a ghastly shade of aqua blue, almost glittering with the same intense brightness as the enemy. He had enough time to cry out another "STOP!" before a spurt of blood from the enemy's wound hit him right in the face, painting red over his brown skin. He yelped back and Marriet kicked him away with a grunt.

"Pest," they muttered, turning around as the enemy took another swing with his uninjured arm, but his reach was too short. At their full height Marriet was taller, bigger, stronger than the enemy. He sensed this and retreated back a step, his eyes wavering for a moment to the bullet hole in his arm.

Huh. You bleed. Marriet raised the gun. "From what Watanabe said, I didn't think you were human," they said dully, pointing it at his face. 

The enemy narrowed his eyes, before reluctantly raising his hands in surrender. The wrench was still gripped the hand of his uninjured arm.

"You aren't very human. A normal man would be crying on the ground after a hit like that. You must  be in an extraordinary amount of pain. Can you even move that arm?" Marriet taunted, before aiming downwards and shooting at it again. Two holes in one arm. The man didn't even flinch as the bullets cut through his muscles. Behind him, Marriet heard the children scream together like a pack of terrier dogs. They must be covering their eyes in fright, or cowering in the back of the holding pen. All except the aqua-eyed boy who Marriet could see in the corner of their eye. He was crouched on the ground like a statuette of a cherub, touching his face with shocked horror, as if he didn't know whose blood was on his fingers.

Marriet tilted their head, looking back at the enemy, "You're like a rhinoceros. A brute with little brain. I am a hunter, and," the gun was aimed at his head now, "and if you don't mind, I'm going to take your horn."

The enemy was silent for a second, staring at the ground. Then, without warning, his injured arm came around in a hook punch and collided with the side of Marriet's head, perfectly aimed. It spurted out two fountains of scarlet, but the strength behind it was back and undaunting.

Marriet stumbled and nearly fell as the other hand, the one carrying the wrench, stabbed into their ribs. That did it. With a yell, they keeled over, feeling pummeled and bitten from all angles. The enemy kicked with heavy boots until they were curled over, trying to protect their face and body.

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