Prologue: Zanarkand

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The game is close. 19-20. 10 seconds left.

The stadium silences. It all came down to this. Whoever scored first would win the championship game. It was between the Zanarkand Mets and the Besaid Leakers. The two top-tier basketball teams in all of history. Both teams remained undefeated, until now. One of us would lose the streak today. It's all up to me.

The star player of the Zanarkand Mets.

Aeio Lin.

10. The ball is in my possession as I dribble the ball across the court as fast as I can.

9. A person comes for my ball. I keep the ball from his hands and dodge him

8. I'm surrounded. I pass it to my other teammate, who dribbles to the hoop.

7. I catch up to him, signaling to throw the ball up in the air.

6. He throws it up as high as he can. The audience follows the ball with his eyes.

5. I break through the blockade and rush to the ball.


The ball starts falling towards the ground as I jump. Higher and higher I go, until the hoop is near my fingers. I catch the ball and cock it behind my head. I started to think about the stadium surrounding me. Not many people again, huh? It's always been like that. Ever since blitzball was introduced to Zanarkand, people started crowding around those stadiums more. Blitzball, the Zanarkand Abes, I hated it. I wanted more people to look at me. Do they see me? Do they see the shot that I make? Will it matter at all to them if I make it or not?


Look at me.


Look at me!



The moment I put the ball in the hoop everything stopped. Time was frozen, except for me. The world started fading to white around me. I blinked, and as soon as I opened my eyes, it looked like I was in a different place. This wasn't the humongous stadium I played in. I was surrounded by rubble. People running past me. Screaming. Crying. I looked around. The city around me, Zanarkand, was on fire. The city lights that were always so colorful and bright now had a red glow. It was pulsing like it was the heartbeat of the city. An alarm rang into the air.


I wasted no time in running for my life.


It's been half an hour; half of the city has been flooded with water. I escaped to the top of a building, but I was cornered. The water had the floor in its clutches, and no way would I be able to survive. I look up at the clouds. A pillar of water was in the center of the city. There was no visible source, however, the pillar kept flowing downwards. Creatures roamed the city, eating everyone in their way. There was no hope for this city.

Zanarkand was gone.

I laid on the floor beneath me. There was no way for me anymore. I slowly waited for my demise. However, something unexpected happened.

I heard a voice.

"Help, help!"

I looked around me, but there was no one. How could such a scream overpower the screams of below? The voice called again behind me.

"Somebody, anybody! Help!"

I turned around, only to find, to my surprise, a door. It had not been there before, nor did it see to lead to anything. It was a lone door.

"Please! Oh, god. Please help!"

There was an instinct I couldn't control. An instinct to go through the door. But would it even do anything? It's just a doorframe. However, now was not the time to think about it. The water level was now rising, and approaching the top of the building. I screamed in disbelief, "Argh, goddammit!" I ran towards the door.

The closer I got to the door, the more my surroundings faded to black. When I was right in front of the door, there was nothing around me, I stood in the void, with only the door in front of me. I put my hand on the door handle when I heard another voice.

"This is your story now. There's no going back."

I suddenly became very dizzy. My vision was fading. I fell to my knees. Something came over me. I became, very





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⏰ Last updated: Mar 17, 2020 ⏰

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