Meeting my characters

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Name: Reagan Shihoin
Gender: Female
Age: 4-179-a lot more!
Birthday: May 12
Weight: 100lbs
Height: 4'2
Status: Soul Reaper, Youirichi's little sister, runs Shihoin manor, imaginative
Hair: Pale-Blonde with purple streaks
Eyes: Golden
Appearance: Reagan's hair is usually found down, her golden eyes sparkle with excitement most of the time, pale skin, smiles and smirks alot!!!
Powers: Almost as fast as Youirichi, can control earth, fire, water, animals, zanpactos, and people
Zanpacto: Fukamai
Name: Fukamai
Gender: Female
Age: has been with Reagan!
Weight: 105lbs
Height: 5'2
Status: Zanpacto, Reagan's best friend; more like sister
Hair: Aqua
Eyes: Pink
Appearance: Hair is always down, eyes glow when angry, tan skin
Powers: Control everything, strongest Zanoacto in who Soul Society! Can come into human form!
Name: Kami Sapphire
Gender: Female
Age: 179
Birthday: June 16
Weight: 97lbs
Height: 4'9
Status: Soul Reaper, Reagan's best friend, weird, sophisticated when needed
Hair: Royal Blue
Eyes: Pink
Appearance: hair usually in a braid that runs to the side, eyes always lit up people even when down, pale-tan skin
Powers: Hand to hand combat, kido

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