Part 1

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                You woke up thinking it was a Sunday but it unfortunately it was a Monday so. You woke up at 1:00pm not at 4:30am witch that's the time your supposed to wake up for work.So then you wake up feeling refreshed and energized like never before.Then at 3:00pm you finally realized that it was a Monday.  " I feel like somethings off" you say in your head. " What day is it,isn't Sunday right ?"
you also say in your head.You look at your phone to see what day it is the you finally see that it isn't Sunday but it's Monday. " No no no no no no no no no no no no no ......." you say as you try to get ready for work even though the day is almost over and it is your last day.Because you have to move to a new house.After you get changed you see that it is 6:00pm so you decide to not go to work today and just stay home. At 6:30 you get a call from Aizawa but then he decides to text you instead.

Do you want to
go out to lunch with me
                                                    Sure when ?
I was thinking about
5:30 but it doesn't matter
                                                       5:30 is fine
okay then
                                                    i can't wait

aizawa x reader lemon ( quirkless )Where stories live. Discover now