A Sunlit Finale

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     Upon the hillside of Camp Half-Blood sat Apollo, the god of light, as the rest of the group celebrated the Triumvirate's demise. Sadness clouded the god's eyes as it still didn't give him what he truly wanted. As light faded around the edges of the world, he felt a hand upon his shoulder. When his eyes traveled from the hand up to the face he jolted as a pair of familiar emerald eye stared down at him.

     "H-Hyacinthus?!," The god stood up far too quickly as the boy laughed and grabbed Apollo to steady the god before he keeled over. The boy still looked the same as when he had perished, same luscious brunette curls, same deep chocolate colored eyes and a cute dimpled cheek when he smiled. The two embraced.

     "Hey Star shine," He used Apollo's old nickname as it brought tears and heat to the man's face as he collapsed in front of Hyacinthus apologizing profusely. "Apollo, you don't need to apologize, my love. It wasn't your fault and I do not blame you."

     "But how are you here? You died long ago," Apollo asked as he wiped the tears from his face and sat next to the male he had cherished ages past.

      "Hades," the boy answered as a smile alighted the boyish face and leaned against Apollo's shoulder as they stared at the fading sunset peacefully. "He has brought us back and given us a second chance."

     "Us?" Apollo asked his head tilted in confusion until he saw two figures as they laughed and sauntered up the hill. A young male with golden locks and sun kissed skin with a smattering of freckles across his face and a voluptuous red haired woman with more curves than the Tiber as her arm interlocked the male's.

     "C-Cyparissus?! D-Daphne?!" The two of them smiled at the bewildered sun god and sat around him as they laid against him the god cried holding them close to his heart. He'd have to compose a Haiku about Hades or heck even a Ballad but NEVER a Limerick.

A Sunlit FinaleWhere stories live. Discover now