Chapter ~ 1

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It was just after the last day of school that all Zane wanted to do now was to avoid gene from the terrible things he had done, but Zane couldn't bear it, the whole bullying thing had just made Zane submissive to gene and no matter how much he didn't understand it, he hid in his room away from the world....

A few months later
Garroth, Lawrence and Zane were all living together on my street. Zane very rarely came out of his room unless he was forced to or aphmau had pony's at her house and he would have to go over to hers to see them.

Garroth barged into Zane's room like he usually did "Hey brother!!!~" he yelled in his very optomistic voice like always "hey..." Zane said quietly also like usual, It was so difficult to tell they were brothers at all,Zane was watching his phone with one earbud in and one out "come downstairs, there's someone here!" Garroth smiled obnoxiously while being a lot over the normal amount of enthusiasm. Zane took his other earbud out and turned his phone of "ok?" He answered confused standing up and following garroth downstairs.

They reached the bottom of the stairs to see someone who Zane didn't expect to be standing there, sasha? But why was she here? Garroth sat next to Lawrence on the opposite sofa to sasha "so why are you here?" Sasha nodded and smiled lightly "Gene...." She said slightly saddened, Zane stood at the doorway and jumped a little from his name being mentioned, Garroth then asked slightly upset knowing what he did to Zane, " what about him? " sasha frowned "look, I understand that gene has done some horrible horrible things to, Zane, but he never would have, and before you ask how, me and zenix told him that the only way we would stay friends with him was for him to ignore his feelings about wanting to be friends with Zane and bully him...." When Zane heard those words he was so downheartened "YOU DID WHAT?!?" Garroth could hardly contain his anger until Zane said "calm down garroth, it's fine, it's the past people change." He doesn't know why he said that or why he protected sasha, but garroth calmed down, "now why are you here?" Zane asked looking at sasha

"He needs to see you.... Zane"

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 20, 2020 ⏰

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