Chapter one - Trip

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Hi, I'm Faith and every day in Lake Bay is the same. Go to school feel shameful that you don't act like the other girls, go home and feel the same way when you check the social media no one even knows you have and probably won't post a single picture ever.
But was different today was so out of the ordinary. Why? Because my class has a new student. Now your probably thinking "Faith that's a normal thing to have happen. Are your days really just the EXACT same?" Well no they aren't all exactly the same but...this new student he was different... let me explain. He was happy... brown messy hair, green eyes, a very dirty old white T-shirt, and stars for freckles. I sat in shock as I looked at him, I couldn't help but stare while I watched him speak. For some reason I couldn't hear anything he was saying but I didn't care until I heard my name called. "Faith? Faith? FAITH!" My teacher called out. "UM... Oh yes Miss Mary??" I said. Everyone started to laugh at me. Then Miss Mary said. "Faith please show our new student Trip and help him get use to being here." I smiled "Of course Miss Mary!"

I ate lunch on the roof as always with my WOWbutter sandwich (Since the school didn't allow peanut butter it was made of soy instead.) I looked up to the sky peacefully and took a deep breath. Then took a bite of my sandwich while still closing my eyes. But the peace didn't last long when suddenly Trip quickly sat next to me. "Hey!" He said making me jump back choking on my sandwich. "Whoa sorry didn't mean to scare you like that." He helped me up patted my back to make sure I was okay and then brushed my dark chocolate brown hair out of my face. I couldn't help blushing because no one had done this to me before. He said to me with a smile "So Faith right?" I said yes, he looked up at the clouds. "You know Faith I see something in you like someone who wants to have fun but is always told not to." Then suddenly my brain flashed to all the times I was bullied for wearing pink, playing with dolls, and being a kid. These memories kept flashing through my mind until Trip said something close to my face. "Faith, I know its hard living in a world where you are told to grow up." He got up to the edge of the roof. I started getting worried. "W-what are you doing?" He smiled and put his hand out. "Come with me." I started shaking "I-i'm scared..." He put his hands on my shoulders. "Do you want to listen to what they say and grow up? Or do you want to be in world where growing up is different and you can grow up the way you want!" I suddenly felt it, a desire to go with him. Suddenly I ran into his arms we had basically jumped off the roof. I closed my eyes I had no idea what was going to happen but I trusted Trip. When I opened my eyes we weren't and the ground...we weren't on the roof we were floating in the sky!

Hey everyone! Its Sakura I have really become obsessed with he characters of this new story! I'm so excited to work on it! Please give your support and that's it bye!!

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