Second Best Surprise

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"Hold on Hannah i'll call you back Luke is calling" y/n said as she hit the green and red circle on her screen. "Hey what's up babe?" she asked.
"Hey cutie, I was wondering if we could get out of the city and go on an adventure?" he asked with a smile.
"Yeah that sounds like fun and I don't have any plans" she answered happily.
"Great! I'll pick you up in an hour and a half. Me and Michael are finishing up a game."
"Okay" she said with a smile and rolling her eyes. "Where are we going?" she questioned.
"Don't worry, it's a surprise." he said with a mysterious tone.
"Ugh you know I hate surprises! Just tell me" she pouted.
"No it'll ruin the surprise if I tell you sweetie, that's the point of the not tell you." He said sarcastically.
"Well obviously, I know what a surprise means" she rolled her eyes and laughed. "Fine i'll be patient"
"Luke c'mon this game isn't going to play itself" Michael called.
"Okay I gotta go and finish this game then i'm all yours" he explained.
"Okay, see you in an hour"
"See you later" and they hung up.
As she put her phone down she heard a ding. It was a text from Luke that said: "Wear comfy clothes ;)" She replied with "okie :)"

Half an hour later Luke pulls up to her apartment complex and knocks on her door. She answers to see him smile with a teethy grin. Smiling back she gives him a hug. As he walks in she asks "So where are we going"
"I already told you love, i'm not answering that"
"Well I had to at least try, now let's go i'm excited" she said.
"See I told you surprises were fun." He said with a smirk.
"We'll see about that." She said with a laugh.

Getting in the car she looks in the back seat to see a picnic basket and a blanket. Luke notices her looking and lets out a big breath while saying "Dang it, I forgot to put that in the trunk, you weren't supposed to see that."
She laughs and says "It's okay it gives me at least a little hint on what we're doing."
"Well how are you liking the surprise so far?" He asks.
"So far so good." she said with a wink.
"Just you wait babe" he follows with a smile.

After an hour and a half of driving they passed a sign that said "WELCOME TO MAKANDA". They go down this big hill surrounded by trees. Reaching the bottom of the hill she sees a tiny strip of colorful vintage buildings along with six to seven houses spread out. To the left is a basketball court, along with a train track running through the middle. "It's so cute here!" She said contently.
"I told you that you would like it." He said with a big smile. "Let go explore now"
"Okay!" She said while quickly getting out of the car.
The first place they walk to is an antique shop with an old colorful bus parked to the side of it. They walk up to it and notice the prettiest stone fountain beside it. On the outside of the store is a bunch of driftwood that has been turned into cute benches and statues. After glancing around they decided to go in.
"Wow babe look at all this stuff" she said excitedly.
"I know this is so cool." he said.
"Where did you find this place?" She asked, confused.
"A friend told me about it, and I thought I'd have to visit here with you." he said while giving her a side hug.
"Awe, this is the best surprise yet" she said, giving him a hug back.
"Hey, I thought my valentine's day surprise was the best. It took me a long time to set up those roses." He said with sass.
"Okay well then second favorite" She said while giving him a little smack on the shoulder.
"Just proves my point that you love my surprises." He said with his eyebrows raised.
"Only sometimes..." she said with one eyebrow raised. "Remember the fort surprise, and how it collapsed on us after five minutes?" she said while laughing.
"Hey it was a good idea! I couldn't help that the stool got unbalanced" He said while laughing.
"I know babe it was great." After a few laughs they both notice something eye catching. It was a 1950s record player. After giving each other a knowing look they both say "we have to get it". After their purchase they visit the junk garden. It was filled with so many colorful and cool things. They then come across a cave that leads to a pond. With the scenery being perfect Luke says "Wait here." Obeying, she waits until he brings back the picnic basket and blanket. After setting up he reaches in and grabs her favorite, an italian sandwich from Panera along with chocolate strawberries and hot fries.
"You're the best you know that?" She asks. He responds with "I try" and gives her a kiss on the head. They sit there until the sun starts to set before heading home.

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