Bear x Bear

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Seulgi rushed into the staff entrance of the arena. She was called last minute to fill in for Johnny's workmate. The poor man had a family emergency and had to fly back to Seoul. The concert was tomorrow and time was of the essence. An event as big as this one, a celebration of the friendship of two countries, they had to get someone they could trust quickly and who'd be able to do the work on special circumstances.

And that... That is exactly what Seulgi's resume consisted of.

The event organizers could have filled the spot in with a local contact but Johnny's bosses preferred it was someone who can easily be the voice of the Korean artists. They were after all in a foreign country.

It just so happens that he has great luck. His best friend, Seulgi, is currently on a vacation in an island at the country. Being that she's the best creative director he knows from their extensive extra-curricular activities all throughout high school and college, and that she's multilingual, well, there was no need to consider anyone else.

Seulgi was already late since the flight back to the city was a bit delayed on account of air traffic. And then the world decided it felt a lot less like cooperating with her so she got stuck in the middle of a traffic jam for almost two hours.

She apologized blindly at the person she bumped into on the way, but Johnny has been calling her non-stop asking where she was. When she finally walked into the center of the arena where the stage had been fully constructed, Johnny was looking incredulously at her.

"Save it Johnny. I had to cut my vaca short to get here. If the name of our country wasn't at stake here, I wouldn't even lift a finger unless we're talking double or triple pay. You know how difficult it is to get a break in this industry." Johnny is the stage engineer, so yes, he knows full well what she is talking about.

"Sorry. I'm just really stressed since the artists will be here in 2 hours and everyone's too busy to even try to understand Minsoo hyung's plan."

"I was out there just now. Trust me, unless their hotels are in walking distance from here, they'll at least be 30 minutes late. Traffic in Manila might as well be just as bad as the traffic in Seoul." Seulgi replied as she was handed the set list to study it quickly. "The streets out there are just as congested as your nose when you had that flu last year."

"Yah! We swore never to speak of that again!" Johnny said, nudging her arm.

Within the next 2 hours, Seulgi has studied the set list and the plan created by the guy she was filling in for. She has also held a meeting with the lights and sounds engineers, and the stage crew, to discuss some changes in the plan to make the program better. She was able to explain how she wanted things to go down and stressed that she wants nothing short of a flawless show. It was an easy process for her and that was why she was Johnny's only pick for the job all along. Aside from the obvious convenience of her being in the same country, this was something she could do in her sleep.

By the time lunch rolled in, everyone was in their own little spots, enjoying their food. Most of the staff were scattered somewhere in the back. Only Johnny and Seulgi have decided to eat at the stage. The artists have also started coming in.

One of Seulgi's legs, her right one, dangled aimlessly off the front of the stage while her left was folded in front of her. She and Johnny were facing each other as they ate.

"I can't believe you're wearing your swimsuit right now." The tall man teased.

"Shut up! This was my only one-piece suit. Everything else I have are either crop tops, florals, or sun-dresses." The man had the audacity to sputter in laughter. Seulgi made a show of pretending to throw food at him. "Besides, I used to always do this with my leotards after ballet class." She said defensively.

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