~The Fat-Gum Family Chat~

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*Kirishima* hey Tamaki and Fat-gum!! I added both of you guys to this chat room is that alright?

*Amajiki* Umm, Sure. Is it only You,Fat-gum and I? or is anyone else here..?

*Fat-Gum* Hi kids!! I'm on duty right now so I can't really chat right now, I'll be back soon though!!

*Fat-Gum* Hi kids!! I'm on duty right now so I can't really chat right now, I'll be back soon though!!

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*Kirishima* alright Fatgum!! Nice picture by the way! Haha! Hey, Tamaki? Guess what?

*Kirishima* alright Fatgum!! Nice picture by the way! Haha! Hey, Tamaki? Guess what?

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*Amajiki* Whats up Eijiro..?

*Kirishima* I just met up with Mirio! and he was with Eri!!

*Amajiki* oh..! That's cool..!!

*Kirishima* he was talking about how much he missed you~!

*Amajiki*  ..be quiet... dorito chips-.

*Kirishima* Dorito chips?!? How dare you! I can't think of a nickname yet...anyways!! I'm not doritos!! I'm more of a boulder!!

*Kirishima*anyways 🙄 I'm gonna sign off, talk to ya' soon! 🙌

*Amajiki* oh- alright.. cya.. 👋


(Later that day)

*Fat-gum* hey guys! I just got off duty, I'm eating some ramen waiting for my shift to end! What about you kiddos?

*Kirishima* I'm with Bakugo in his room! watching some movies and hanging out! Like manly bros do!! Haha!!

*Amajiki* I'm with Mirio on a.....study date..

*Fat-gum* nice! I'm probably gonna go to take a nap when I get home! I had like, 14 people come up to me trying to get a photo or an autograph...it was hard!

*Kirishima* Jeez! that must've been pretty hard you deserve that nap.

*Fat-gum*  It really was!

*Fat-gum* Call me dad. ✊🏻

*Kirishima* okay?? Dad?? I Gotta go now but I'll talk to you guys later!!

*Fat-gum* see ya later, Kirishima!!

*Tamaki* oh.. okay.. I have to go too.. bye guys..

*fat-gum* see ya later my awkward son!!

*Kirishima* :

___later that day___

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___later that day___

*Kirishima* Hey!! Whatcha guys doin'? I'm on a study date with Katsuki!

*Fatgum* Cool! I'm eating right now!

*Tamaki* I'm hanging out with Mirio..

*kirishima*Oh that's Cool! I'm waiting for katsuki to get us our food! Yknow when he isn't with others he's really nice and he's a gentleman too! 🦈

*Fatgum* I don't see him as a gentleman...

*Tamajiki* he's.. scary..

*Kirishima* he isn't scary at all! He just isn't understood 😔

*Fatgum* yeah sure

*Kirishima* oh katsukis comin' back,I got to go guys! Bye Fatgum and Tamaki!! 😝

*Tamajiki* bye..

*Fatgum* bye Sharky!


The next day

*Fat gum* Good morning children! I'm just about  go on duty so I was just saying good morning 😁

(20 minutes later)

*Kirishima* good morning Fatgum and SunEater! :) katsuki just woke me up for school rn! Talk to y'all after!

*Tamajiki* morning. I just woke up aswell, heading to class too..

-7 hours later-

*Kirishima* Hey guys! Thanks for the morning messages and im out of school now! Me and Bakugou are laying down because its literally like 4 pm haha and were tired from class 😅

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