"Where are we going?"

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It's scary out there, for a little girl like her. We are so different from what the people are used to. we're different, we scare them. Their minds closed to accept that magic exists, and Marcy, poor Little Marceline is the target of their hatred.

They are unwilling to help us, a few refugees searching for help, all because she doesn't look like them. It is truly unfortunate the mindstate that the inhabitants of this world possess. I almost miss the war-ravaged surface of our old planet. Almost. 

I keep walking, Holding Marceline in my arms, the small girl almost a daughter to me.

"Where are we going, Simon?" she asked me, hope, but also fear in her voice.

"I Don't know, Marcy. I don't know..." I keep walking, the snowfall reminding me of the crown beating against my leg. The damned crown. I wish I could get rid of it, but it can't fall into the wrong hands.

"... Do you think we'll ever be safe, Simon?" 

"Yes... One day, we can be safe, and away from all this pain."

"Thank you, Simon..."

"No... Thank you, Marceline." I said, as we continued to walk in peace.

I need to save you, but who will save me?Where stories live. Discover now