Chapter 1

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It was a lovely winter morning most people would be up and out relishing in the cool air. A trio of friends had different ideas, Harry Hermione and Ron all sat around the fire place in the Gryffindor common room. The three of them and Ginny were the only ones to stay over the holidays. Currently the three were discussing if they should go to Gringotts or not. See when a witch or wizard turns 11 they can have an inheritance test done or rather the are requested to have one done. That way what every school they go to know if they are a creature or not. The Golden trio never got their requests though. 

"I think we should go it just adds to the doubts i already have about the ministry." Harry sighed looking at his two slightly taller friends. 

"That is probably the better of all our options and plus maybe what we find will confirm all our doubts." Hermione took on a thoughtful look but before she could take out into a lecture Ron interrupted.

"That will be an adventure for tomorrow for day lets just hang out and chill for a bit." With that said the three took the whole day to mess around and play games. They were so tired that they all collapsed on the couch in the common room together. Ron was leaned up against the arm of the couch while Harry was curled up in his lap. Hermione took the liberty to lay her head in Harry's lap and took up the rest of the couch. Ginny almost woke them up so they could go to their rooms but they looked so peaceful that she just left them there after laying blankets over them. 

It was now the next day and surprisingly Harry woke up first normally it would be Hermione. Not wanting to wake up his best friends yet he went to his room to get ready. Upon his return he saw that the two other teens were still awake. Harry now had a very evil smirk on his face. 


"HARRY JAMES POTTER" Both Harry and Hermione jumped off the couch. Ron couldn't help but laugh as he watched the two run around the common room jumping over tables. It ended with Harry throwing himself at Ron while Hermione huffed and walked off to get ready.

"You know you could of been a little nicer waking us up right?" Ron looked down at the shorter boy that was now messily sprwled out on him and the couch.

"Yeah but that was more fun. Anywayyyyy......go get ready we need to leave soon" Harry shoved Ron off the couch. About 15 minutes later Ron came running down the stairs with an angry Hermione following him.

"You guys can't go 5 minutes without messing with each other can you." Ginny yelled from upstairs.

"Ehh sometimes well see ya soon Gin were going to Gringotts for our inheritances we'll be back." Harry called back.

"Yeah yeah, whatever. Don't kill each other." They watched as Ginny disappeared back to her room. 

The Golden trio now found themselves walking through a crowded Diagon Alley. That is until 3 other people joined their group.

"Well well if it isn't Potter and his little friends." Draco drawled scaring the daylights out of the Gryffindors.

"Draco good to see you too." Harry said looking at what used to be his rival. In all reality the two trios have been friends in secret as they couldn't allow Dumbledore or Voldemort know that they were working together. You see the two groups had their doubts about the "light" and "dark" sides so they created their own. Known as the grey side or the grims. 

"So what brings you here to an over crowded alley?" Pansy asked.

"We never got our inheritance requests letters so that's what we're doing would you like to join us.?" Hermione looked at the taller girl standing beside her now.

"Why not got nothing better to do and plus we can look at our creature inheritances." Blaise said running to wrap an arm around Ron before he quickly pulled away as they were in public. 

The group of 6 teeagers were now face to face with Griphook in his private office.

"So you 6 are here for you inheritances am i correct" Griphook looked at the 6 teens sitting on the other side of his desk.

"Yeah but me Ron and Hermione would like to know why we didn't get our letters when we were 11" Harry said looking towards the goblin that now took on a furiated face. 

"Your headmaster must have blocked those letters because we sent them and he said that you all received them just fine but you never showed." Griphook supplied for the teens. 

"Of course he did." Harry muttered.

"Another thing to add to the list but first let's get started shall we?" Hermione leaned forward and took a serious face. 

Hey Robin here thanks for flying in anywhoooooo

I'm off to start my drawing witch may go in another book but i hope you have a great day or night

--Robin flying out--

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