Chapter One

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No one's P.O.V


Denki Kaminari slowly opened his eyes as a few loud bangs were coming from his door. He groaned and got up to check who it was. He opens the door to see a spiky red haired Eijiro Kirishima. He was dressed in school uniform and looked kinda worried.
"Yo dude," Kaminari greeted.
"Bro what are you doing! We have class in like 3 minutes!" Kirishima rushed. Kaminari was awake from that statement.
"Oh shit okay, get out so I can get changed!" Kaminari shut the door and rushed to get his very messy UA uniform on. He quickly combed his hair to a tame. He stuffed a few books in his bag and ran out of his room only to run into Kirishima, "Dude I thought you'd be there by now!" Kaminari exclaimed, running beside Kirishima.
"I'm not that heartless," Kirishima smiled. Luckily, the two heros-in-training made it into the class just in time. They sat down, after being scolded by Tenya Iida, and got out their books, expecting English first only to see Azawia Sensei walk into the room.
"Azawia Sensei? What are you doing here?" The brown haired girl, Ochako Uraraka, asked.
"I'm only here to inform you all on something and Mic had a late morning," Azawia stated, "Okay so, I have good news and bad news." Everyone looks at each other. " I'll start with the bad news. One of you are being moved to General studies and being replaced by Hitoshi Shinso." There were several gasps throughout the room. Kaminari sighs, probably me, he thought. "Good news, it's Mineta." After everyone took a breath of releif, multiple people started laughing. The smallest boy in the room, Mineta, started arguing with the teacher then got kicked out. "Okay, Shinso you can come in now." A boy with light purple hair walks into the room with his hands in his pockets. There were a few murmers echoing throughout the room. Things like "He looks so different" "When did he get so buff" "He's kinda cute". The boy standing at the front of the class made Kaminari take a mental step back. It was true, he looked different from the sports carnival. Kaminari had a thought, hmm he's pretty cute. Kaminari realised what he just thought, wait what? No that's weird. Go away gay thoughts. I'm gonna make him my friend. Kaminari started daydreaming, looking at his desk, until he was tapped on the shoulder. He turned to the side, where he was tapped, to see the same purple haired boy. Kaminari thought that the boy was still at the front and kept looking at the front and back to him.
"Calm down dude, I only want to borrow a pen," He scratched the back of his neck while smiling, "I forgot to pack mine."
"Oh sure-" Kaminari froze in place. Why can't I move? He kept trying but he didn't nudge.
"People usually feel that at first," Shinso smirked. Kaminari finally started moving again. He looked back at the new boy and very slightly smiled as he gave him a pen.
"Okay class please move your attention to Mic," Azawia said, pointing to the door and walking out. The Voice Hero, Present Mic, walks through the door already starting to yell random English things. Kaminari heard Shinso sigh. He looked at him.
"This is gonna be a long lesson," Shinso whispered. Kaminari just chuckled.


Finally, The Hero Course Class got out of second period with bleeding ears from Present Mic in the first period. Kaminari starts packing his things up.
"You guys can go ahead, I'll catch up," Kaminari smiled.
"I was gonna leave anyway dunce faced pikachu," Katsuki Bakugo yelled, pulling Kirishima with him.
"Stop being rude," Hanta Sero said, running after them. Mina Ashido smiled at Kaminari and ran out of the classroom. Kaminari huffed with a smile and kept packing his things. He felt a few taps in his arm which made him jump and let out a quiet squeal. Kaminari kinda clenched his jaw and turned around expecting Mina or Sero scaring him but it was only the same tired face from before sitting on the desk. It took a little for the yellow haired boy to remember his name.
"Shinso?" Kaminari took a step back, nearly falling over but Shinso grabbed his arm and with one hand, he stood him back up.
"Look, I don't really like a lot of people in this class and that makes it hard to have friends and, well, I just feel like we could be friends? Maybe?" Shinso asked, saying all that pretty quickly and his hand resting on the back of his neck.
"Oh sure man!" Kaminari said, lightly punching the others arm and putting on his own black bag. Shinso lightly smiled.
"Thanks, I know you're friends with Bakugo and he-"
"Bakugo is only friends with Kirishima and they probably secretly date so yea," Kaminari interrupted. "He wouldn't call me his friend." Shinso chuckled and stood up.
"Let's go then," The insomiac boy offered. Kaminari smiled at the purple haired boy who was three paces in front of him and caught up with him. They started talking to each other and figuring out things they both like. Kaminari was making big hand movements while explaining different things. Shinso smiled at the electric boy as they turn a corner into the lunch area, disappearing.
Mina, Sero and Kirishima were poking their heads around the corner, originally going to scare the yellow haired boy.
"Hmm I kinda ship them," Mina states, "Might become my otp."
"For sure," Sero and Kirishima agreed.
"SHITTY HAIR!!" Bakugo yelled.
"That's my que," Kirishima sighs with a smile. Mina giggles as he runs off.
"To be honest, I never saw anything happening to Kaminari until Shinso showed up," Sero said to Mina, "I thought he was straight you know, always hitting on girls."
"Really? I actually kinda shipped you two," Mina states plainly, "You guys always acted like a couple."!!
"What? Seriously?" Sero laughed, "Dude no homo." Mina laughs along with Sero.
"Well, I just can't wait to see what happens between those two," Mina said, her hands on her hips. Kirishima came running past the two, followed by Bakugo.
"GET BACK HERE YOU RED HAIRED PIECE OF SHIT," Bakugo yelled, explosions sparking at his hands.
"Don't hurt me!" Kirishima yelled back, only to fall on the ground.
"And those two," Sero added on. Mina and Sero laughed together. Bakugo pinned Kirishima to the ground and Shinso and Kaminari, well, they didn't know yet but, their long life together had only just started.


At the start I was so tempted to call him danki instead of denki. Because that's what he would call him self the dork. But can we flipping talk about the new bnha chapter. Hawks, my bby, are you alright? You know what, he will be fine. He's gonna be fine. He is going to be alright. Tokoyami saved him, He is going to be fine-

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⏰ Last updated: May 21, 2020 ⏰

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