"The Lovers Among The Stars."

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"The Lovers Among The Stars"

There was a young prince of a thriving empire, he was born on the longest night of the year, when the stars were most clear.

As he grew older, he was fascinated by the stars in the night sky, everyone in the empire knew of his fondness.

yet there was one star, that shined the brightest among millions, the young prince was most intrigued by that star.

it was named "lady of the night" by previous royal astronomers of the past.

There was a legend behind the name,
many believed it to be true,
it went as such, there was a young girl who dreamed of living among the stars, to dance in the night sky, to sleep along side the great white moon.

The young girl was said to be the most beautiful lithal girl to be ever be born.
Many knew she would grow to be a beauty, a Goddess.

But all the girl wanted was to be BECOME a star, she prayed and searched for any way to have her wish fullfilled.

Years went by and the girl was now a young woman, at the prime of her existence as a human being, she was sitting in the desert dune staring up above at the stars when she heard a voice of a kind sounding woman, asking her what her dreams were.
the girl told the voice she wished to live among the stars for eternity.
the voice then said "so be it" and the girl starting to fly, oh she flied high and high until she was among the stars and moon,
she glowed and turned into a gigantic shining luminous Goddess and she was so pleased and thanked the voice who she found out was the moon.

But as time went on the girl had to see her family cry for her, search for her, and then die longing for her, she wished to go meet them and the moon said " you can only go see them if you are willing to let them become stars among you", the girl didn't want her family to live to see so many people they love die before their eyes and so she agreed to stay in the night sky, trapped but free.

Once the young prince heard of this legend behind his favorite star, he knew he needed to learn more, and so he went on a quest to learn everything he could about the girl who became a star. In the process of learning about her, he came to love her, madly love her and he decided that he would free her.

And so the young prince spent his entire life searching for a way to free his beloved, he went on to became the Crown Prince, then the Emperor of the desert Empire.

He built such huge structures that would go beyond the clouds but never tall enough to reach the stars. Yet he didn't stop building, the Capital of the empire had became the most extraordinary Capital on the planet.

It came to be known as "The City of Clouds" .
Mostly every building in the Capital went above the clouds and that's where many nobility lived but they did have trouble breathing as the air was thin.

The Emperor would spent every night of his life going out the tallest tower at the star he loved, longing to be with her.

On the night of his death, as he lay alone in his death bed, eyes closed waiting for it to end, he felt someone hold his hand and he opened his eyes to see the most enchanting being he had laid eyes on, she had long flowing hair, a thin grown made of stars and twilight light, a head crown made of white roses rested on her head, her eyes sparkled as if she had the stars living in them, she was beautiful, beyond beautiful, the emperor couldn't believe his eyes, His Lady Of The Night was beside him, he couldn't utter a single word but he didn't have to.

She smiled and said "let us go among the stars my love, I have waited to come for you and now it is time, will you come?"

the Emperor smiled and then he saw himself turn into his young princely self when he first fell in love with the star goddness, he also turned luminous and glowed like a star and then he was flying along side his love, they flew high beyond his buildings that he made all his life, they flew high above the clouds that never covered the Lady Of The Night.

Finally they reached the stars and the Emperor now young prince again held his beloved hand and asked her what her name was, and she repiled " Alna Asta " and then she asked him, " And what is your name my love?", he said " it's Kayan".

They both smiled and looked down upon the world and stayed there, with each other having fullfilled their dreams that reached the stars.✨


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⏰ Last updated: Mar 23, 2020 ⏰

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