"I'll be here."

107 3 6

Desi and Mac are together in this one.

Warning: mentions of attempted homicide and death 


Then the soft gurgle of water. You inhaled sharply. The water was coming faster now, rushing up from a drain in the floor. Mac reached for your hand. You two had known each other since freshman year of high school, when you moved from England. Mac and Bozer had taken a liking to you immediately. You had been a scrawny redhead with a short temper, and big mind. You were the smartest kid in school, well, after Mac at least. By junior year, the three of you were inseparable. They would go to your home, and your dad would just look up in greeting before returning to grading papers, or talking to his old mates through the phone. You told each other everything, and the things that you kept silent, were things that didn't need to be said out loud. 

Like now. You were staring at Desi, while holding hands with her boyfriend. She didn't need to say anything to tell you she was pissed. And yet, neither you or Mac let go. 

The water was rising steadily, as was your heart rate, considering the water was already at your knees. Desi noticed this, and her expression softened. She didn't want to drown either, so she began pounding at the glass, trying to break it.  Mac quickly began doing the same, and as the water became level with your chest, you started panicking.

"Y/n, listen to me. You are fine. You will be fine." So many times you had found Mac to be a soothing voice in all the chaos, and now was not one of them.

"What happened?" Desi's voice was soft, and her questioned was aimed at Mac, but as he open his mouth to speak, you interrupted.

"I can't swim!" You gasped.


Mac continued. Pounding on the glass as people poured into the room where you were. 

"Stand back" Russ mouthed. You nodded, pulling Mac and Desi closer, as bullets shot through the glass, shattering it. The three of you stumbled out of the tank, grateful that you were all unharmed. Soaked and shivering, maybe, but unharmed. 

As a team of medics ushered you out, you were grateful to lose Desi's watchful eye, but you wished Mac had gone with you. 

Later that night, after you had been cleared, and suffered through the (thankfully) short debriefing, the team had gathered at your place, which also happened to be Mac's and Desi's. You guys laughed, talked, and even played games, just like old times. Then everyone went home. You guys cleaned, and went to bed, but you couldn't sleep. 

You had always had a tough time with sleep anyway, and it seemed like the stars always calmed you. So, you snuck out onto the deck, and you sat, poking the dying embers with a stick. The day's events had been too much for your body, and you could still feel the chill from the water. You sighed, allowing your shoulders and walls to fall.  You mentally scolded yourself for breaking in front of Desi.you hadn't felt so helpless since... no. Stop thinking about it, y/n. 

"Hey roomie."


You didn't need to look back to know it was Desi. 

"Look, about the mission-"

"Stop." She cut you off "its okay. Everyone has their moments. Besides, not knowing how tp swim is a pretty good reason panic " you giggled at that.

"No it's just..." You hesitated. Desi watched you carefully. You wanted her to understand so badly. But that part of your life was one you avoided at all costs. And yet, you had a feeling you could trust her.

 "My mom died during childbirth. She'd had a son before me. He was 16 at the time. He blamed me for her death, and i guess it kinda is my fault." As you spoke, you started at that stars, trying not to cry, but your voice shook, and you slight acent became more pronounced. You could feel Desi's hand over you're and you gripped it. "When i was 6, he decided he'd had enough of me, and knowing full well that i couldn't swim, he brought me down to the river by our house, and he held me underwater. After i passed out, he let me go, and ran to get my dad saying that we had gone swimming and I had drowned. He didn't think I'd survive until his wife did CPR on me. Then I told them everything, and he's been in prison ever since. I was to scared to learn to swim after."

The silence that followed was deafening, and suddenly, Desi hugged you, pressing your face into her shoulder and stroking your hair as you sobbed.

She pulled back and held you at arms length.

"I know you don't know me very well, but if you ever need me, I'll be here."

And from the doorway, Mac watched you both, happy that his 2 favourite girls were finally getting along.


I know I failed you already. You don't have to tell me. I will not be making a ton of imagines like this. Most will be Mac x reader, I just had this idea stuck in my mind and I really wanted to share it. Sorry. Um.... So yeah. Thoughts, ideas.. if you wanna request something, DM me,

So if you actually read this write paperclips in the comments.

Anyway, I love y'all. Stay sweet, Angels. ❤

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 24, 2020 ⏰

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