Hello, commander

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Once there was a commander,

A commander who loved by all.

Once there was a commander,

Sacrificed to save them all.

Those are the words written on the faded gray grave.

---------------------------Griffin City, 2050, 2 years after the final war------------------------------------

The sky is quite cloudy, perhaps it's going to rain soon.

A girl in her early 20s is standing in front of the grave, saying nothing. All she did in the past 10 minutes is just looking at it, perhaps studying what are written on it.

"Good morning, commander..." The girl sighs, finally opens her mouth. "It's me, your annoying adjutant, Kalina, or 'idiot' as you've always called me."

Silence again, only the distant thunder sound, it is going to rain.

"It's been 2 years now, i'm doing great, and you better be the same up there, dumb man!" Her voice rises a bit, pointing at the cloudy sky.

"...We did it, commander..." Her voice softens, barely audible "We won the war, both sides did, just like you wanted, and you're right, the only bastards are the military, but we managed to forced them to sign a peace contract between humans and S.F."

She pauses for a while...

"I can't believe those Sangvis girls actually joined us to fight them. Turns out they aren't so bad. they just wanted to be freed, just like you said.

You know, i...no, we all thought that you were crazy back then. You're the only one who believed in those S.F girls. Remember that time we almost bring you to the hospital for a sanity check when you said 'They are not demons, they're just some angels who got ripped of their wings'. Hehe, turns out we are the ones who need a sanity check."

Kalina sighs

"Like i said, i am doing great. I'm working as a teacher at a primary school near home, can't believe that shady old man has a soft spot for kids, he even named it 'Kryuger elementary'. But beside that, you're actually right when you said i'm good with children just by looking at me sang Grizzy jr. to sleep. The children really love my teaching style, so i have to at least thank you for all those battle records you told me to write. I'll never forgive you, you lazy bastard!" Kalina made a fake pout and pointed at the now darker sky.


"*Loud sigh* Finally done. Oh, lazy ass man, here's your 30 battle records"

"Thanks, Idiot. By the way, what did you just call me?"

"I said, L-A-Z-Y   A-S-S   M-A-N."



"30 more battle records or i eat your dinner"



Kalina chuckles at the flashback, and then lets out a deep sigh.

"...I miss you, commander. We all do." Her hands shook a bit

"I miss all the memories we had back at our small but full of laughter base, and it is all thanks to you." Kalina smiled.

"You really hated me when we first met, right? All i ever did was wondering around you, smashing my tablet into your face, forcing you to buy something."

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