Chapter I

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The sensation of the refreshing summer breeze against my skin induced a state of oblivion in me. I gazed at the children scattered throughout the park, who appeared to be unperturbed by any circumstance. As I observed a young boy struggling to get on the merry-go-round, a smile appeared on my face.

It was almost tangible; happiness.

It was both amazing and rare, something I've never experienced before. A feeling I'm not likely to get to experience.

The sky was becoming darker now, I glanced around one last time before looking at my supposedly white converse... the sow were starting to pull out, I twisted my ankle in a circular motion eyeing my worn out shoes. The fabric of my converse was tight against my big toe, and I winced a little.

"This could last me an extra year" I soliloquize.

I swiftly swung my legs onto the ground. The park was very green, and the ground was filled with moist grasses, leaving my shoes a little soaked as I began to jog my way back through the dark city.

The city wasn't so big, I was almost familiar with everyone who lived around. The coffee shop lights ignited the streets, they were no streetlights around because the government had vehemently refused to replace them. The street isn't safe, so were the people in it.

I always try to get home immediately when the sunsets. Halfway through my little jog home, I stumbled on a pebble, almost immediately loosing my balance. My hands flew out of reflex to the pipeline at the end of the coffee shop I had just run past, trying to keep my balance.

My worn out shoes made has me rethinking the decision I made a few minutes ago. The thought of me going back was scary.... I could not think of a better solution to my problem. I stared deeply at the small apartment in front of me. Although I've been here a couple of times, but it always feels so foreign to me.

The lights were still turned on, I made my way into the apartment but no sign of Ma and Pa, I checked the fridge for any note but found nothing. 'This is unusual' I thought to myself, instead of panicking, I decided to wait a while before calling the cops. My heart leaps when a loud crash was heard from Ma and Pa's room, I frantically grab the knife on top of the counter, holding it behind my back. I couldn't risk my life by going into the room, so instead I stood still waiting for the worse to happen, but no one came out, nothing was happening. Mustering up all the courage I had in me, I tried to move as meekly as I could.

The stains were visible on the old painted walls that were already peeling off in the hallway. The moon light filled the hallway through the tiny window on the extreme. I placed a foot into the dark room. My palm found its way to the wall, searching for the light switch. I immediately found the light circuit, quickly flicking it on, the blinking light filled the small old room with no windows. I screamed a little when I heard shuffling and a rat made its way past me, jumping on my feet, I flew onto the small bed at the edge of the room.

I sighed in relief when the little mouse scurried out of the room, probably scared for its life too, my heart was already pounding in my chest, making my chest heave between each breath.

Clutching my chest through my shirt, I thought to myself, 'Two more days'. That was the only thing that came in between my freedom from this hellhole of a town, just two more days. Although I was so good at waiting for things, but I couldn't quite hide the excitement I was feeling.

I went back into the kitchen and noticed that Ma and Pa were already home. The sad expression on their face's couldn't be hidden, they hadn't noticed my presence in the room until I cleared my throat. The instant grin that appeared on their faces when they first saw me was a way for them to cover up their feelings. It was frustrating that they would always take me to be a child and never share their problems with me. For God's sake, I am 19.

"Hey sweetie" Ma said while making her way over to me, giving me a small peck on my cheek. I didn't miss the anger in Pa's facial expression as he left the kitchen in quick strides before disappearing into the hallway and out of sight.

"Hey Ma" I said, slowly turning to ma.

I gave her a small smile, reassuring her that I was fine. It was all a facade, I was far from 'fine'.

I gently placed my fingers on my forehead, massaging my temple.

"Are you pumped for your big day?"

She said as she placed the groceries in their respective areas.

"Not much of a big deal" the lie slipped out of my lips effortlessly.

She furrowed her eyebrows and a small chuckle left her lips, 'damn' she caught onto my lie. I smiled at her, slowly shaking my head from side to side.

I took the apple on the counter, taking a bite from it, then helped her to place the groceries on the top shelf because she wasn't tall enough.

"I have to go, ma... I'll be back in a minute" I gave her a quick peck on the cheek, moving as quickly as I could before she could question my whereabouts. I threw the remaining apple into the bin in the corner of the kitchen before walking out through the door, exiting the small apartment.

I pulled the hoodie over my head and began jogging back to the park, I had totally forgotten! I was supposed to pick up the package from the clothing shop on my way back.

It was a surprise package for ma before leaving, a gift of appreciation for believing in me. She took me in when everyone else turned their backs on me, when everyone abandoned me, when my parents left me in this cruel world all alone. I had spent most of my savings on this gift because it's a really special gift.

I had only gone halfway through my jog when I noticed a cat sprawled in the middle of the road. My big heart couldn't help but wonder what a cat was the in the middle of the road.

I moved in a swift motion, looking side to side, ensuring they were no vehicles in sight. I neared the cat in long strides, I paused in my step when the reek hit my nostrils. The cat didn't move, it looked like it had been there for days now.... It looked lifeless, it was 'dead'. The smell coming off of it was unbearable. It seems like it had been dead for days. I was so caught up in the dead cat that I didn't notice the huge truck that was coming my way.

I was too stunned to move, the headlights flashed my way, blinding me in the process.... The honk was loud enough as it pierced my eardrums, but I couldn't move....

In seconds, I felt the force of the hard metal of the truck come in contact with my lower body, sending me flying across the road. I couldn't breathe, it felt like I had been ripped into pieces.

The bang in my head was excruciating, the pain was excruciating; I tried to scream for help but made the pain worse, a small tear escaped my eyes. I shut my eyes in an attempt to clear my blurred vision, but everything went black instead. All I know is that the driver didn't even make an attempt to help me, but quickly swerved out, ensuring no one saw the accident that had happened.

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