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"Hey, Riku. Which quest are you going to compete in next?" Yukki asked, looking over at his friend, Riku. 

These two were Riku Mikami and Yuki Hidaka, two of the people that participated in the Break Decal incident and the EL-Diver incident. 

"Hey!!! You two!!!" A female voice shouted from behind them. This girl was Momoka Yashiro, aka. Momo, another player that participated in the Break Decal and EL-Diver incident along with Yukki and Riku. These three were real friends both online and offline. "Come on! You two are late! We've got to meet up with Sarah-chan, Magee-san, Tigerwolf-san, Shahryar-san, and Kyoya-san, remember?!" Momo shouted angrily. 

"No need! We're already here!" A high male voice came from behind them. "Ah! Magee-san!" Riku exclaimed in recognition, smiling at the purple-haired male from behind them.

"You were late, so we went to check up on you guys!" Sarah smiled while walking over to them with the other famous divers. "I had to stay with this mutt while walking over here, so I must say, be punctual next time." Shahryar said, eyeing Tigerwolf beside him. "Oi! For your information I didn't enjoy walking over here with you two, stupid fox!" Tigerwolf barked back. 

"Muscle-headed moron!" "Gunpla obsessed freak!" 

Kyoya sighed at the two fighting males. "They'll argue anywhere..." He sweat dropped. 

"Now, now you two. We shouldn't fight. We're here for a meet up, remember?" Sarah smiled while coming in between the two of them. "Well, if you say so, Sarah..." the both of them said simultaneously. 

Suddenly, Riku heard running from behind him. The figure that was running accidentally bumped into him. "I'm so sorry!" The figure quickly got up, apologized, and tried to run but the person that he was trying to run from grabbed his arm. 

It was a spiky-haired guy with sunglasses. And he certainly looked like trouble. "Oh, come on. It's just a little deal." The guy smirked at the boy he who's arm he was holding onto tightly. "I said no! Now please let go of me!" The boy countered back and struggled to get his arm away.

"It's not that big! Just some rare ite-" The person immediately stopped when someone tapped him on the shoulder. "Who-" He barked but then went pale when he saw the people there. "He rejected you. So you should stop and leave. Him. Be." Magee said, his face darkening despite the smile he wore on his face. The guy let go of the person's hand and then scrambled away, shouting a few apologies out of fear. 

"Are you okay?!" Momo asked, helping the poor boy up. "Yeah... thanks a lot..." He replied, softly.

He was slightly shorter Riku, Yukki and Momo, he had mint green hair, a pair of fox ears poking out of his hair and a soft tail wagging around. 

"I haven't seen you here, are you new?" Magee asked. Checking his information. "Y-Yeah. I used to play, but then I stopped playing for a while because of... reasons..." He said before trailing off. "Now, I use a completely new ID." He said, smiling. "Well then, what's your current username?" Magee asked. "My username is Shōri. Nice to meet you, and thank you for saving me earlier." Shōri smiled and introduce himself. "Well, I'm Riku. This is Momo, and the one next to her is Yukki." Riku introduced himself.

"Well, I have to go now. I hope we see each other!" Kai waved and then ran off. Riku then looked at the others. "Is it just me, or does that guy seem familiar?" Riku asked, raising an eyebrow. "Then it's just you, Riku." Yukki replied, looking at the bewildered boy next to him. 'But I'm sure I knew him before..." Riku thought before shaking it off and then heading towards the quests booth.

When Riku was looking at the GBN News to see how other divers are playing, he saw a quest being broadcasted. He stopped to see how the quest was going to turn out since he didn't try out the quest yet, himself. "Who's going to challenge this quest, I wonder..?" Riku wondered, looking at the data. "Wing Gundam Avenger... SHŌRI?!" Riku muttered before shouting aloud. He couldn't believe that the rookie he just bumped into a few moments ago was challenging a hard quest. "Hold on, I remembered him saying that he used to play in GBN before but was forced to start over... right?" He muttered to himself. He then shook it off and then looked up at the screen to see that Shōri was doing fine.

"Trans-Am!" Shōri shouted, and the gunpla he was using turned bright red. And then he quickly cleared the quest in no time. Riku was dumbfounded at his piloting skills. "Amazing..." He muttered under his breath. When Yukki and Momo got to where Riku was, they were all talking about the quest on the broadcast. "I can't believe that was Shōri!" Momo shouted. "He did mention that he used to play so he might be somewhat of a veteran." Yukki replied. "We should ask him who he was before coming Shōri." Riku said, smiling.

When they spotted Shōri at the fields in GBN, Riku came over and sat next to him. "Hey, Shōri!" Riku said, smiling. "Oh, Riku-san." Shōri greeted, waving. "Come, have a seat." He said, patting a spot beside him. "You two also." Shōri said, looking behind Riku. "So, what do you want?" He asked, smiling. "Wow. How did you know?" Riku asked. "Most of the time, people don't walk up to you unless they want to ask something. Just a lucky guess." Shōri replied, "Go on, what are you wondering about?" Shōri asked, smiling. "Um, well..." Yukki started.

"We wanted to know who you were before you had to restart in GBN!" Momo exclaimed, cutting Yukki off. "Oh, was that it?" Shōri chuckled, smiling. "I was Mizumi. I played solo." Riku, Yukki and Momo looked at each other in confusion. "Of course you wouldn't know because I didn't really participate in any public events and mostly stuck to solo." Shōri sighed. Yukki then looked up the database of retired players, and then his eyes widened. "...Huh?" Yukki said, looking at Kai's previous stats. "What is it, Yukki?" Momo asked, looking over at Yukki's screen. She, also, was dumbfounded. "Previous Number One?!" She whipped her head around at Shōri. "Eh... heh heh. Just one of my accomplishments. But once Kyoya and some of the current high-ranking divers came, I lowered down to... around... 101?" Shōri shrugged it off.

"Man... what is with that crazy status?" Riku muttered to himself. "And... yeah! That technically concludes my time as Mizumi." Shōri smiled. "I think I have to log out now. See you guys later!" Shōri smiled before logging out. 'That guy...'

'Who is he?' They all thought.

Watashi O Oboete Imasu Ka? // A Gundam Build Divers FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now