10 years ago

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The movie opens showing us 2 sisters being terrorized by Freddy Krueger in there dreams, and freddy tells them there parents are the reason he's the way he is, and demands on killing them. Leaving the 2 sisters with unanswered questions they ask there mom what happened to Fred Krueger because he's in my nightmares trying To kill me. And the mom tells her what happened on the day Fred Krueger was burned. And we get a whole flashback sequence of Freddy before he was burned in his boiler room making a his signature glove, while a little girl who's been missing is  in there with him crying in fear and wondering what's about to happen next. Then we hear the parents yelling and telling Freddy he's gonna pay for what's he's done. After rising his glove from making it he proceeds to slash the little girl. And kill her. Parents throw liquor bottles with fire on them into the boiler room. And sets the room on fire killing Krueger. Then the mom proceeds to tell her 2 daughters that Freddy is dead and he can't hurt them, and that these dreams there having aren't real. The 2 sisters looking shocked about what there mom has told them walk away and go up to there room talking about what's she's done and the parents are the cause of all the terror and nightmares the town has suffered. And later on that night one of the sisters dream about Freddy and gets terrorized and tormented by Freddy and ends up rumbling around with her on the ground by this point her sister is startled and wakes up tryin To wake up her sister and help her Freddy  slashes her face and then proceeds to slash her on the chest Down to her stomach this is all happening while the sister who is being killed is levitating in the air bleeding to death and screaming in pain and fear. The sister then drops to the bed and whispers to her sister "Hes Real" while seeing freddy in the background fading away saying " bye bye"
The mom barges In screaming in shock and yelling at her other daughter " what did u do to your sister !!!
The daughter replies " it wasn't me I would never, it was Krueger !!!
The mom calls cops and the sister is taken in for questions.
While being questioned by police, they don't believe a word she's saying about a dead man terrorizing her in her sleep. So they decide to hold her til further notice. That's when the sister who is now in a locked room starts to take a breather and shuts her eyes and is in  the dream sequence. Freddy torments her and ends up killing her by shoving his glove through her face. Leaving her in the locked jail cell all bloody.
Then u hear the nightmare on elm street theme and the title is revealed.
Story now takes place 10 years later.

  A Nightmare On Elm street Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang