CHAPTER 1 : This Day Can't Get Any Worse... Would it?

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This Day Can't Get Any Worse...

Would it?

She puts a palm under the side of her face as her blue eye gazed lazily upon the road as she rests her elbow on top of her backpack that lies above her thighs. Though she never really thought that there will be a day that she would have to do the trouble of buying one that is large enough she could fill it with a dozen books and notebooks. The only time she would bring a book inside her bag is when she wanted to continue reading a novel outside their restaurant or when she wants to list down what she learns about the cooking and the food being served when she and the old man would go to the market or various restaurants every once in a blue moon. No one could stop a curious woman to obey to her desires, especially women like her who goes to the depths of knowledge as much as she could comprise to herself, and that is a lot.

Her visible blue eye watched as houses and buildings zoomed by them into nothing but a blur to her prospective as the car swiftly maneuver across the roads and swerving ahead vehicles that are being driven by fools that are procrastinating and wasting every second of a minute that is clearly important for citizens who have better things to do or has to do. She inwardly sighs to herself and crosses her legs whilst sitting upright to stare at the busy road and the damn traffic that the both of her and her old man had unfortunately caught on that has caused the car to a painful elongated halt. Minutes have passed as she began to unconsciously tap her finger tips on top of her exposed leg as she breathes in and out a heavy sigh now and later, unknown to her the man beside her is being ticked off by her time-to-time sighing.

She abruptly perks up at the sound of the horn honking very loudly which is to be expected.

"Eggplant!" Yells a gruff and deep voice beside her, "I can't believe I have even the slightest capability of tolerating your self-being after all these years you've lived with me."

She tutted at his words and at the same time rolled her eyes as she crosses her arms together and then turns her head to face the middle-aged man with a funny braided mustache, good thing she had reminded him to take off the stupid three foot cook hat he wears inside the kitchen. She answers in an irritated tone, "It wasn't as if I planned to suddenly barge in in your life, you shitty old man." She stared upfront and blew a few stray hair away from her face, "It was never my intention and never was. Besides, I told you a million times already I'd rather go through the hassle of going to school on my own than to be seen being driven to school by you and this crappy old car of yours." She stubbornly utters to him. She told him plenty of times that she is very independent enough to take the bus to school but this equally stubborn old man of hers always refuses and had kept on telling her pathetic excuses which in truth are absolutely not so far from the truth.

She pouts to herself.

He snorts in utter amusement as he suddenly bellows in heavy sarcasm, "Letting you go in to the wild roads of the Grand Line?" He slightly turned his head whilst trailing his eyes up and down at her choice of clothing with a conspicuous hint of disgust and an accusing finger pointed at it, "And looking particularly like that? Not to mention that habit of yours, the need to have to pick up on any good-looking men -whom I must say, are horrible- like helpless stray animals on the streets. I've seen you flirt all the time especially inside the restaurant and I must ask, what are you? A sickening love prophet because any moment I might have to blow chunks on my OWN restaurant." He turns his gaze back to the road and stomped on the fuel.

She slams an arm on top of the compartment box and glared daggers at him, truly hoping that daggers are literally coming out of her eyes. This old man really has sufficiently pissed her off to her limit for the one hundredth million time since she had met him, even though she had already heard it for the millionth time but nevertheless he insulted her. "Oh my God! It isn't my fault you don't have women lining up on your way!"

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 26, 2020 ⏰

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