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oh, crap. I sighed as soon as a drop of blood landed on my shoes. can't ONE mission go completely perfectly? i think to myself.

- now, now, what's that look? - asks illumi, standing next to me.
- it's a look of disappointment i guess.

We were on a "mission". Illumi had asked me to help him eliminate certain group of mafia people. I never asked the reason, just went with it. After all, I'm benefiting my own self.

- so far there's only one car with 5 people left. They have their boss in it. I suppose we shall end this as quickly as possible. - said illumi.
- why so in hurry? Sometimes i feel like you have no idea how to enjoy killing.
- well, you're the psycho one here. I'm just here to do my job. Now, we can get going.

It didn't take long. In about an hour, the job was done.

- and i thought i'd have fun tonight. - i said to myself out loud.
- don't be a crybaby. the weather's not looking good, it's about to rain. sweating in the rain while killing people? No thanks.
- sweating? honey your level isn't looking good in my eyes right now. this was a child's play.
- I've warned you about the language before.

Hisoka was all flirt as long as i remember. It was my own father who introduced him to me, when he secretly worked with both my father and grandfather. The story is long, so to say it very short, my father trusted him. He still does. Knowing my father is the most cautious person i've ever met, i automatically trust hisoka. The first time he introduced him to me, he said - my heart might had just skipped a beat - where my mother laughed and said i was a boy, not a girl. Later that day, short before he'd leave, he told me while passin by - that you're a boy was clear to me from the very first moment - and he smirked. It felt ridiculous. After that, we got to see each other quite often. He was always up to be all flirty again. Whether it was a mission my father would send us to complete, or my private Assassinations. (for which hisoka was the best option because of his quality). It never bothered me that he flirted with not only me but everyone he'd find strong. But not long ago, it did start to bother me in some weird way. I'd feel kinda uncomfortable when he'd go all "honey", "kiddo", and even "kitty" because of my eyes. What's even worse and annoying, it bothers me when he calls such names to other people he flirts with. So i stated that i didn't want him to call me all of those. He "tried" his best, that's what he tells me everytime i correct him not to call me honey.

- oh, my apologies, honey. - he said. I just rolled my eyes and got ready to leave.
- i'll see you around, Hisoka.
- can't wait. - he sat down on a bench, put his one leg over another, leaned back and stared at the cloudy dark sky.
- are you alright? - it kinda just came out of my mouth.
- don't tell me i got you worried. - he smirked.
- well i wouldn't want you to cry over your life tonight and be found dead the next morning.- i said with a slight laughter.
- why, you'd cry for me?
- why, will you kill yourself?
He smirked again. It was his response to pretty much everything.
It started to rain.
I was about to leave a good 10 minutes ago, yet the only thing i did was not moving an inch from where i was standing. Hisoka had closed his eyes and enjoyed the pouring rain on his face.
- drama queen, your make-up's not looking good.
He didn't say a word.
I sat next to him.
The city clock from far away rang the midnight. Hisoka was still quiet. And we were both wet down to our shoes.
- happy birthday. - i mumbled.
I didn't look at him, but i felt his smirk.
- look who's all thoughtful tonight. - he said.
- it's not like anybody's gonna say that to you anyways.
- ouch! don't be so harsh on me.
- you wanna cry now?
- would you let me cry in your laps?
There. All flirty again. I don't know how to say it, but it bothered me on a god level, but at the same time, really deep inside of me, i felt like i was smirking at that response.
- i gotta take off. - i stood up.
- and i thought you'd accompany the birthday boy tonight.
- Killua and Gon are visiting tomorrow, father told me to be home, it's their anniversary and Kill wants to celebrate it. It's not like you don't know them both.
- it's not like you have to be there, they can have fun without you too you know.
- now see who's harsh on me.
- now see, if you'll cry, i actually might let you cry in my lap.
He looked directly into my eyes, raising one eyebrow a bit higher. I don't know if it was because of the previous chitchat we had, but i was feeling weird in a kida good way after that response.
- hmph - i closed my eyes and chuckled very slightly - you're not lowering your guard are you.
He stood up and came to me as close it was humanly possible. I felt his heavy breath on my face. He was looking directly in my eyes, so was i. He smelled of an expensive perfume, as always. I could have said something. Something sarcastic or funny so that i'd let myself break free from this tension, something like - hey look, you're even uglier without your makeup - or - hey, you actually are taller than me - but i never said a word. I was sweating, thanks to the rain, it didn't seem so.
- i know you're sweating.
The inner me pretty much panicked. What the hell was happening? What am i, 12?
- is that so? - i tried to sound as normal as i could.
- you know it is so. - he got even closer to me. His makeup was all gone. Only a soft face was something i was facing. I wanted to take closer look at every part of his face, but i couldn't break free from his look. None of us even blinked.
- what the hell?! - i said out loud out of nowhere and took a step back. I don't even know what'd hit me, it felt like a second me just grabbed the first me and pulled back.
- see you around, illumi. - he said and left. I was looking at him as he was getting further and further away, fading into rain. He wasn't in hurry, he was slowly walking away.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 28, 2020 ⏰

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