Who are you?

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I turn on the volume of the headphones. It doesn't prevent the noise from reaching my ears. I turn the volume to the maximum. The song sounds too loud to me still I hear the noise. I am sitting in my room on the floor with my back touching the door of my room.  The noise is coming from downstairs but still I hear it.I know the noise is not going to stop soon. And I  can't bear it anymore.

I put off the headphones and put them on the floor. I get up, take my bicycle's keys and run downstairs, holding back my tears. I walk in the living room towards the main door. My parents don't notice me. They never notice me when they fight. They never notice. I feel relieved but at the same time hurt too. I go out of the house and close the door. I still can hear the noise from their fight. I text both of my parents that I'll be back soon before 6pm. I know both of them would see it around 5:30 PM after they would be done with their almost-everyday-fight.

I ride my bicycle as fast as I can , holding back my tears. I want to cry , I want to let it all out in form of tears. I don't want to and I can't keep it all inside. But I can't cry while I ride the bicycle;  it would blur my vision and I might fall and injure myself, which I seriously don't want to do today.

Finally,  I reach where I wanted to be. It's the street near the river. On either side of the street, there is a small gentle kinda slope downwards. At the end of the slope, a few feet away,  there is the river. The slope is covered with grass. I park my bicycle on the curb near the river. And I waste no time. I sit on the slope , fold my legs, and wrap my arms around my legs,  put my head down and begin to sob. Finally, I cry. I sob , sob and sob. The tears uncontrollably flow down my cheeks. I tighten my arms around my legs. It's probably a way for me to part myself from the outer world and it works. I forget about everything.  All I do is cry, loudly. No one is there to listen me , to stop me. It's just me. Honestly , I feel so good while crying. Sometimes,  crying can be a great thing to do. When you hold in something for too long, it hurts and when you cry it all out , it feels good. And that's what I was feeling.

Everything was fine till I was 9 years old. My parents used to fight , but not fiercely. There used to be small fights. But I don't understand when things started to break. They began to fight loudly and more fiercely, so fiercely that I used to flinch each time they yelled. My older brother, Hanbin used to hold me tight. He used to close my ears and tell me ,"It's okay, Jisoo. It's all okay." Now that I recall it , I think that maybe he was reassuring himself more than me at that time. When I was 9 , Hanbin was 14. He is presently in college. He left for college too early. Soon after he graduated from high school, he went to college. He told me that things would get better with time. I know why he left so soon . He couldn't bare to see our parents fighting. He was sick of them. Sometimes,  when I FaceTime him, I notice how much more happier he looks in his apartment in Seoul. I feel happy for him.
Nowadays,  my parents fight every day. These fights have extended the distance between me and my parents. We rarely talk now. I feel lonely in my house. My parents don't even realize how much badly affected I get because of their fights. It happens at least once in every two weeks that I cry myself to sleep.

I was thinking of all these things while crying,  but then I noticed the sound of sobbing , not my sobbing but someone else's sobbing. I look up. I see a guy sitting some feet away from me. He is also sitting the same way I did and he is also crying. I can't really tell if he is really crying. I can't see his face. I put out the tissue-box from my backpack. I wipe my tears off my face. I glance at the guy. His face is still down. I ask him,"Are you really crying?" He doesn't answer. "Hey, are you teasing me or really crying?" He doesn't answer. "Mr. Green Tshirt and black  jeans, I am asking you." I ask in a high-pitched voice. I mean, he is actually wearing green tshirt and black jeans. He slowly looks up . He looks either side and notices me . With a confused look, he points at himself. I nod. He leans sideways and takes the tissue box and wipes off his tears by the tissues. After he gets done, he looks forward , not looking at me as I am sitting on his left side. "Did you say something to me?" He asks. "Yeah," I pause and he looks at me, "Were you really crying?" It is a  reckless question to ask. "Do I look like I am faking it?" He asks with a sad smile on his face. " I don't think so." He was really crying. I am able to see the red color of his eyes even when we are 6 feet apart. Something about his smile is so sad that I want to go and give him a tight hug even though I don't have any idea who this guy is.

"Who are you?" He asks.
"Who are you?" I ask
"First I asked the question,  so you should give me the answer first. "
"My mom used to tell me to not talk to strangers. "
After hearing thses words, he giggled.
"Okay, so can I give you a name, a nickname?"
"Chuu????" I ask , confused.
"Well, you look like Pikachu, so that's why Chuu." He smiled.
I was flattered for a second.
"What should I call you?"
" It's your choice. "
I kept thinking but couldn't come up with something.
"I can't think of anything."
He again smiled.
"Can you give me a hint?" I asked.
"The first part of my name is Jin. I am not going to tell you the second. Because you haven't told me your name."
"You got a point. Okay so, I'll call you Jinnie. Is it fine?"
"It's good."

I don't understand why I am even talking to him. It's weird but it feels good.

"Wanna tell me your email ID?" He asks.
" Why so?"
"I am pretty sure you aren't going to give me your number."
"We have just met."
"A bit of emailing with a stranger won't hurt, will it?"
I considered it.
" Okay , fine."
We exchanged our email IDs. I was questioning my sanity a lot while we were exchanging our email IDs.
My email ID wasn't something which would reveal my name. His email ID also didn't reveal anything about his name. That's good, for both of us.

"Why don't we meet often, here?" He asks.
"Ummm......Okay," I paused, "but I have a few conditions. "
"What are they?"
" First, we should be at least 5 feet apart.
Second- No touching. "
"Okay, " he became kinda serious and asked,"Why were you crying?"
I jerked my head up.
"Third,  we won't tell each other about the things which we don't want to share."
" Okay. "

*Author's note: I would be updating the story after almost every 2 days, if possible. Btw, the older brother of Jisoo is Hanbin , B.I. the ex-member of iKon.
For those who might be confused Jinnie is Jinyoung.*

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