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Though summer blazes, almost at its peak,

From morning to the next morning,

Here among the young leaves and blooms,

A shady corner hides the soul of Spring.

While moving from heat to endless heat,

I abruptly sense a magical presence

Something that calls to my restless spirit

To pause, and I try to comprehend.

Fluttering like a wild bird,

A frisky cool draft is poised to flee;

Unsure about its welcome here,

It flits abruptly from tree to tree.

Appearing to have made up its mind,

It lifts its wings, on the brink of flight...

But I stand still, and just breathe,

I don't move, and at last Spring comes in sight.

It peeks at me from behind the boughs,

Timid, and yet so curious,

"Why doesn't she go on heedless,

Why does she stay back, unlike the others?"

It creeps closer, and caresses my hair –

But before I could grasp the tenuous breeze,

Away it goes, like a low murmur,

Like a newborn's laugh, like a child's promise...

My heart bows down for a moment,

But then I accept with a smile

That today is not the day when

Spring will return for more than a while.

And yet, Spring still waits somewhere

With clear skies, birdsong and coolness;

But she won't show us her full glory,

While we create only heat and stress.

Not yet, but soon, Spring will be back -

The oppressive warmth is already in retreat,

More and more people are standing still –

Blessed to be alive, content to just breathe.

Once we prove that we have learnt

What nature is trying to teach,

When we spread love to all creatures,

When we can every bleeding heart reach...

Then, for all time,

We can calm the untamed zephyr;

And then we can call back the Spring...

And Spring will truly stay here.


Call Back The SpringWhere stories live. Discover now