Naruto Quit As A Ninja And Became The Straw Hats Pirates

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One Piece Opening English Rap
There once was a man named Gold Roger, who was King of the Pirates

He had fame, power, and wealth beyond your wildest dreams

Before they hung him from the gallows, these were the final words he said:

"My fortune is yours for the taking, but you'll have to find it first
I left everything I own in One Piece..."

Ever since, pirates from all over the world set sail for the Grand Line, searching for One Piece;

The treasure that would make their dreams come true!

Ya-yo, ya-yo!

Dreamin'! Don't give it up, Luffy!
Dreamin'! Don't give it up, Zolo!
Dreamin'! Don't give it up, Nami!
Don't give it, give it up, give it up, give it up
Give it up, give it up, give it up, give it UP!

Here's how the story goes, we find out
'bout a treasure in the Grand Line, there's no doubt
The pirate whose eye is on it, he'll sing
I'll be King of the Pirates, I'm gonna be King!

Ya-yo, ya-yo, ya-yo... oh-ho...

His name is Luffy!
(That's Monkey D. Luffy!)
Gonna be king of the pirates!
He's made of rubber!
(How did that happen?)
Yo-ho-ho, he took a bite of Gum Gum!

Ya-yo, ya-yo...

His name's Zolo, he's just like a samurai
And a L-A-D-Y, Nami's not shy
Usopp's doin' that marksman thing
Sanji's cookin', Chopper's doctoring!
Ya-yo, ya-yo, ya-yo, oh-ho...
Set sail for One Piece!
It's the name of the treasure
In the Grand Line!
Ya-yo, ya-yo...
Set sail for One Piece!
Opening End
Naruto Was Angry No Beyond Angry He's Mad That His So called Friends Betrayed Him Except Hinata And Kiba Called Him Name Like Demon And Kyubbi So He Has No Choice But To Quit As Ninja And Never Be The Same Again He's Going To Hokage Tower To Talk To Lady Hokage About Resigning From The Ninja Life As He Approaches The Door He Knock The Door He Heard Come In Naruto Opened The Door And He Enters Naruto What's Wrong
Baa-Chan I Want To Resign From The Shinobi Life What Why Would You Want To Resign from The Shinobi Life Naruto Tells Her What Happened And That's What Happened Tsunade Was Angry At Rookie 9 For Calling Him Demon And Kyubbi Reincarnate She Still Need Naruto Here Naruto Please Don't Think About This I'm Sorry Lady Hokage But It's The Only Way Please Okay Naruto I Have Your Resignation Form All You Got To Do Is Sign Your Name And You Won't Be A Shinobi Anymore Naruto Signed His Name And There One More Thing Lady Hokage What Is It I Want To Cancel The Toad Contract Why Because If The Council Finds Out That I Quit They'll Try Reverse Summon Me Lady Tsunade Knew That The Council Want To Make Naruto A Weapon So She Summon Jiraiya To Talk To Him Jiraiya Arrived Okay Tsunade What Is It Hi Jiraiya-sensei Naruto What's Wrong Naruto Told Him The Same Thing About His So called Friends And That's What Happened Okay Naruto Now What Is It I Need To Cancel The Toad Contract What Why
Because If The Council Finds Out That I Quit As A Ninja They'll Try to Reverse Summon Me Okay Naruto I'll Talk To The Toad Elder Five Minutes Later Jiraiya Comes Back Well They Said That They'll Cancel The Toad Contract And They're Sorry That The Village Went Corrupt That's Ok Jiraiya Anyway I'm Going To Pack My Stuff And Leave The Village Naruto Before You Go I Want Give Something To You Tsunade Went To The Vault And Brings The Scrolls And Sword Of Uzumaki Naruto The Scrolls Are Your Parents From The Namikaze And Uzumaki Clan And The Sword Are Your Mother's Sword Your Parents Want You Have This Because You Are The Heir Of The Uzumaki And Namikaze Clan Naruto Naruto Grab His Parents Scrolls And His Mother's Katana Benhime Thank You For Everything Lady Hokage Your Welcome Naruto Left The Hokage Tower Tsunade Need To Talk To The Rookie 9 Neko Yes Lady Hokage Bring The Rookie 9 To My Office Now Hai Lady Hokage
The Rookie 9 Knows They're In Trouble

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