Chapter 1

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Hermione stormed out of the Gryffindor Common Room, her blood boiling with anger as she stomped her way to the library. She stopped dead in her tracks, closed her eyes, and tried to take a few breaths to calm herself down, but it was no use. She couldn't get the image of Ron and Lavender snogging in the common room out of her head. Why did Ron ever pick Lavender, out of all people?

Hermione let a sigh of frustration as she ran a hand through her soft, brown curls and continued her way to the library. The library was a place that Hermione enjoyed. It was a place for her to relax and just have a break from reality. Most people thought it was absolutely boring there, but to Hermione, it was her favorite place in all of Hogwarts.

The first person she saw as she walked into the library was one of her close friends, Ginny. Hermione almost ran to her, as Ginny looked up from her homework.

"Hi, Hermione," Ginny said. "You look angry with someone." She took one look at Hermione's death glare and knew exactly what had made her so mad. "Let me guess it was my brother, wasn't it?"

"You guessed right," Hermione snapped as she took a seat next to Ginny.

"What did he do this time?"

"He was snogging Lavender in the common room!" Hermione said. 

"You know, you should move on and find someone else better for you," said Ginny.

Hermione looked at her as if she had three heads. "I can't, you know the only boy I've ever had feelings for in Hogwarts is Ron. It just hurts to see him with her.

"Which is exactly why you need to find another boy, " said Ginny. "Find someone else that you can distract from the idiot that is unfortunately known as my brother. That way not only will forget about Ron but also be happy with someone that deserves you."

"Thanks for the help, Gin, but I should really get back to the dormitory," said Hermione, looking up at the clock. "It's getting super late."

"Alright, but remember what I said, " Ginny went back on quickly finishing her homework for the next day.

Hermione got up and exited the library where she bumped into someone. She fell down, rubbing the spot on her head where it hit the floor.

"Sorry . . ." Hermione mumbled as she looked up. Her eyes met with a familiar smirking face. "Oh it's you," she snarled and got up.

"You should really watch where you're going, Granger," Draco said, still smirking at her.

Hermione rolled her eyes and walked right past him.


"Where were you, Hermione?" Harry asked as Hermione walked into the almost empty common room.

Nobody was to be seen except Harry who was sitting in a soft armchair in front of the huge fire that was blazing in the fireplace. 

Thankfully, Ron and Lavender were already gone to their own dormitories. Hermione can only imagine what she would do if they were still continuing their little snogging session from earlier.


"Huh?" She had forgotten that Harry was still here. "What did you say?"

"I said where were you," Harry repeated once again.

"The library." Hermione sat on one of the armchairs next to Harry.

"The library? What were you even doing there? Studying?"

"No, I saw Ginny. We just talked for a while."

"Oh . . . well, you should have brought me along. All I was doing was sitting here, watching as Ron and Lavender were having a super intense snogging session." Harry cringed as though the thought would haunt him forever.

"Gee thanks for telling me, that makes me feel a whole lot better," Hermione said, sarcasm dripping in her voice.

There was a moment of silence until Harry decided to break it up.

"You still upset about the whole Ron situation?" He asked.

Hermione didn't answer. She only shrugged and got up.

"Goodnight, Harry," she mumbled and she disappeared into the girls' dormitory.


The next day came and Hermione, Harry, and Ginny were joking around in the Great Hall. Hermione never saw this but she noticed that Harry kept sneaking glances at Ginny. Wait, she thought. Maybe he . . . Hermione shook out of her thoughts. No way! Ginny was dating Dean Thomas. Harry couldn't possibly be interested in Ginny.

Just then Ron and Lavender walked in laughing obnoxiously. Hermione immediately stared at her untouched plate that contained french toast with syrup and scrambled eggs. Normally, she would have snarfed the whole plate down her throat but all of a sudden, she wasn't so hungry anymore.

"I'm going to go to the library," she announced.

"Do you want me to come along too?" asked Ginny.

"Yeah, we can study for our Potions test next week or something," Harry said.

"No, I just want to be alone for a bit," replied Hermione. "You know, without them." She gestured to Ron and Lavender, who both were now sitting down a few seats from the three of them. And without a word, Hermione got up and left the Great Hall.

Thoughts filled her brain as she made her way to the library. What was so special about Lavender? Did Ron not find her attractive? What was it that she didn't have yet Lavender did? Was Ginny right when she said it would be better to find somebody that is better than Ron? Somebody that actually deserved her?

All of Hermione's thoughts were quickly vanished out of her brain as she reached for the door's handle that led into the library.

She stepped inside and took a deep breath of the scent of parchment and ink, the scent that she always smells anytime she steps into a library, whether it be the school's library or her own small library back at home filled with Muggle books.

Hermione smiled at the thought of her own library. There had been an extra room in her house so for her 9th birthday, Hermione's parents had turned the empty room into a library. She would spend hours there, reading and re-reading books.

Hermione snapped back into reality and went to a bookshelf. She took a random book that looked interesting and went to the corner of the room, her favorite place in the whole library. There nobody can disturb her or even see her since it was hidden by huge bookshelves.

There was a problem, however. When she made her way to the corner, someone was already there. And that someone was the last person Hermione wanted to see at the moment.

"And we meet again, Granger."

Hello readers!

As you can tell, this is my first published book. It is as good as the other fanfictions, but I'm trying my best! Hope you enjoyed my first part and please comment, vote, and follow!

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 11, 2020 ⏰

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