Sylvie does redstone.

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It was another boring night. Soup was for dinner, like always. But not in Minecraft, no, not in Minecraft.

In Sylvie's world; my world, he was having a feast of rotten flesh. He had to kill a lot of Zombies for this. All kinds of Zombies. Zombies.

After the poison effects wore off (the rotten flesh was still worth it) sylvie traveled into the mine. There was a skeleton.

There was no redstone. It was gone. Not there. Missing. Not around. Not present. Lacking in supply. Unavailable. Absent. Removed. Not existing. Not found.

It was all mined out in previous times.

Going back up to the surface, Sylvester said to his note block: "Note block, play that funky tune again"

Note block started to play a familiar jam. One that Sylvester couldn't remember where it was from.


You've got a lot to do today
Feel proud and wipe your eyes, 'cause hey!
Stifletheyawn, you stayedup 'til dawn
Let's see what youbeen 'working on


Keep in mind the deadline is closing in
Your byline, the headline, they're in the bin
Uncompleted... all deleted


You'll have to crunch and work 'til dawn 'til you die!
Cut out the corners, cross the Ts and dot the Is!
Whip out the white-out, but keep it in good taste!
Just so that no one will ever know it's defaced


Epithet Erased!

What was this strange song?

You could say Sylvie used his epithet on his avatar when he clicked on the bed. But that was dumb. But dumb was Molly's epithet.

You cannot sleep for there are monsters nearby

"Huh." Sylvie assumed it was another zombie, and went out to slay it. It wasn't.

It was the skeleton. He spoke: "I have a bone to pick with you."

"W-what?!" Sylvie stuttered, not knowing why this guy was making such bad puns.

"You stole my extra dead brother's arrows. I want them back."

"Because you want to keep a memory of him?"

"No, because I want my prize for winning a duel."

"Ok," he was still a bit puzzled by this encounter, but went along with the Skeleton.

He tried to go back to bed, but the same notification popped up.

Sylvie went back outside, not prepared for Minecraft Mera, who was just a glass block, with the Arsene Amulet.

The glass block stole his power and suddenly sheep and beds were spawning everywhere. The last thing Sylvie noticed before clicking on one of the beds accidentally, was a wall in the background, on he did not build.

Sylvester tried to leave the bed, but could not. All he could do was open the chat which had the same message over and over: I've got a bone to pick with you.

Sylvie threw down his phone in anger of the situation, looking up to see molly and Giovanni missing. All there was was a bowl of soup, a coal block, and a glass block, but they were all real.

Sylvie tried to spawn a sheep but he couldn't.

Oh no.

*Skeleton noise*

Minecraft had left the game.

Sylvie does redstone Where stories live. Discover now