Part Two ~ Phone Calls

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Brrring Brrring!

"Ugh who is it now?" David said rushing to grab his phone. He'd been pretty angry and upset after what happened with Winona. No one could blame him for being upset and angry at the world for what he went through. So people left him be, for the most part.

"Hello?" David said with a slight attitude mixed with disgust.

"H-Hi David" Winona said regretting picking up the phone to call him in the first place. "I-I really need someone to talk to right now a-and you are the first person I could t-think of."

David, being completely shocked to hear her voice at all, finally got the courage to say something. "I-Uh, yeah s-sure w-whats up?"

"I just needed a friend to talk to, someone I could confide my feelings to, someone that would-"

"Understand, yeah I get it Winona"

There was a moment of dead silence. Winona was trying to fight back her tears. She heard the anger and frustration behind David's voice and she didn't like it one bit. It hurt her even more to know this was still bothering him and not being able to talk to him about it. David, on the other hand, didn't mean for his words to come off sounding rude, but they did anyway and he knew that, unable to fix it.

Winona, breaking the dead air between them, finally got the courage to speak. "T-This is a b-bad time i-i'll just c-call you back some o-other time."

David, hearing how broken and torn she was, changed his tone of voice and immediately responded. "No sweetheart this isn't a bad time at all, i'm just- well frustrated and confused about everything that happened and it just seems to unreal. I'm sorry for sounding like a complete heartless asshole."

"I-It's okay" Winona said less shaky then she was before. Something about him changing his demeanor just to talk to her made her feel less on the verge of another panic attack, which those were happening almost daily and sometimes more than one throughout the course of a day, but she didn't want him knowing that or he would feel even worse about the whole situation.

"No, baby it's not okay and i'm here, we're here for each other, y'know it is our baby we lost." David said, wondering if he chose the right words.

"Y-Yeah I guess you're right, w-we need each other a-a lot right now and I guess I just n-needed a friend more than anything."

"Well I'm here, even though it doesn't seem like it, I-I am." David said. He'd been regretting leaving her alone through this and it was killing him the more he thought about it. He knew she didn't take things like this lightly and he also knew she would have several panic attacks and mental breakdowns because of it. But what he was most afraid of, was not knowing how he could help her when he was the main reason for the whole situation they'd been stuck in and for that he felt the need to get away from her, before it was too late.

Winona, reluctant to say anything, just smiled a bit, trying to not let her eyes give into the crying once more. She was completely broken and bruised and if she knew one thing at all, it would be that she wasn't gonna let David see her pain. She knew she was stronger than what she was feeling, even though she didn't feel it quite at the moment, she knew she needed time and David was willing to give her that.

GET OUT OF MY HEAD | ✔️Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang