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I woke up with my alarm clock screaming in my ears. I sat there zoned out until my tv turned on. Apparently, I rolled onto the remote. I rolled on my side and my face was literally in the clock. it was 7:30. "Holy sh....." I almost screamed. but I remembered the people moving in where here and they have a 5 year old. "I'm going to be late!" I shoved my stuff in a bag and threw my long brown hair in a pony tail. I grabbed my minecraft bag and ran out the door. I had a beat up truck. I got in.
I was 3/4 of the way to the air port when I got hungry. I realized I haven't eaten breakfast, and I was in the middle of nowhere. "Oh god." I groaned." 15 mor minutes!"
I arrived and ran inside. "FOOD!!" I ran into the KFC stand. "Flight 32 leaving in 5 minutes." I grabbed my chicken and ran to my gate."No food allowed on the plane." a man said. I grunted and threw it out. He let me on. "JEEZ." I muttered as I got on. I took a seat next to mother and baby, it was the only seat left.
I was all comfortable curled up in my blanket on the silent plane when the baby next to me screamed and started crying. "crap" I groaned and put my headphones on. I tried to sleep, but that baby was SCREAMING bloody murder. I shot up and I found the mom asleep. i poked her. "Excuse me, but I'm trying to sleep!" then it stopped. the mom woke up. "W-what?" she asked. "never mind." I went back to bed. the baby started screaming again. I just groaned and sat there, waiting.
"The plane will land in about 45 minutes" i woke up. "PRAISE BABY JESUS!"
When we landed, I jumped on the floor and kissed it. when I looked up, I saw a crowd of people. mostly girls, but people. Then I heard a familiar voice. Ssundee? I almost cried. " and dudes, team crafted is getting a new roommate." He said. he was clearly doing a vlog. "and her name is Veronica." wait... That's MY name... The crowd cleared away. I walked up to him. "H-hi..." "umm... I'm kind of looking for Someone. can you go away?" he sounded impatient. "I-I'm veronica. And I was told that I was moving in with someone. they told me it was a surprise..." "oh..." he said. he held out a hand. "I'm Ian." I shook his hand. " follow me. the car's this way.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 06, 2014 ⏰

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