the dark times chapter 1

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It was a crisp autumn afternoon jack was playing in the the yard I turned around for a few seconds to get lunch ready we were having sandwiches and we would sit out and in Joy the weather.I get the sandwiches done and step out side and find him sitting on the porch swing smile from ear to ear I go back inside to get the sandwiches. From outside I hear a big noise and a very loud scream it was jack I seen a very slender tall man throwing him in to his van I run to stop him. He pulls out a knife to fight me with then he points it at me and gets in to his van it was a black 1951 Ford Focus. He drove off me running after him he got away though but I got his license plate the plate read 4nf7yt
I got in to my house and called the cops they said there was nothing they could do because it was a stolen car and a stolen plate.

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