Why Do I like You?

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Why do I like you? What makes you special? 

Why did my heart choose you out of all the other people in the world? 

Why do I like you? Well, let me count the ways...

I like that I can just be myself with you.
I like you because you're complicated but being around you is a comfort.
I like you because I feel an incredible sense of warmth when I'm around you.
I like you because you understand how I'm feeling before I even do.
I like you because you make me feel that you are by my side no matter what.
I like you because you're still such a mystery to me. You're a puzzle I can't solve.

I like you because you are patient with me.
I like you because you give me space when I need it.
I like you because you're a good listener.
I like you because we can always stay up late just talking about anything and everything and I never get bored.
I like you because you are not afraid to open up to me about your feelings - both the good and the bad things.
I like you because I can always talk to you about anything. And I don't have to worry about your reaction and if you will judge me.
I like you because you always know exactly the right words to say that will make me feel better.
I like you because you make me feel good about myself. I don't know how you do it, but you make me feel strong and confident.

I like you because you're passionate about what you do. You always put your whole self into your work.
I like you because you're open minded and you don't judge other people.
I like you because you have such a special ability to see the good in people and in every situation.
I like you because you give so much of yourself to others.
I like you because you take such good care of all the people around you especially your family.
I like you because you know what it means to be loyal and faithful.
I like you because you've had hard times and experienced things that could have made you bitter and mean; and yet you're still kind, giving, and thoughtful.

I like you because for me you are special. You are not like any other person that I have met.
There is something about you that is so special and precious.
Most of all, I like you because the idea of growing old with you fills me with so much happiness and excitement.

Why Do I Like You?Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin