that early morning

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It was a cold Wednesday morning, all was well in my house hold.The strong breeze hit my house, the loud trains in the not so distant distance, rushed across their track and my pet fish Izzie was snoring constantly,but I was used to it. what I wasn't used. to was hearing a loud crash early, very Early in the morning. CRASH,BANG,GRRRR! immediately I woke up and rushed downstairs to see what the commotion was.It was a squirrel! suddenly it hit me.This squirrel looks strangely similar to someone I know. but whole don't know. There was something about it tho and because of this I couldn't  let it go , not till I knew who it was. So I went asked Izzie (my pet fish) to ask for advice she told me about how I just need to wait , she then realises it could be like princess and the frog instead just leg and the squirrel! all I had to do is make sure the squirrel is actually a human otherwise id just be kissing random squirrels and that wouldn't be good because they're almost as stinky as Izzie,which is really I sit there for a long time..........

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 29, 2020 ⏰

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