Chapter 1: The Silence

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 A shadowy beast slunk through the dark trees,but a  silhouette among the gloom, dark as oblivion. A questing shadow.

She was Viadoor, quick of step, the glittering of an eye. She was proud. 

But she most certainly was not resident to this forest.

As she weaved through the spruce, moving through the shadowy trees, she caught a streak of burnished silver as it flashed across the dreary plane. 

Viadoor froze in alarm, one paw raised, nose to the air and ears twitching, still as a stricken fox. 

A wolf? 

She whipped around, urgently searching for the animal of which had just bolted by. Nothing.

Confused, Viadoor shook her head. There was nothing there. 

She was wrong. 

A powerful bulk rammed into Viadoor's onyx-black side. The creature's ivory teeth boasted the sharpness of a piercing blade, a furious glint in his gemstone eyes. 

He attacked again, rearing up on his muscular back legs and scrabbling for a hold on his opponent's sleek black shoulders. Eery crescent-shaped teeth flashed a pallid white as he ruthlessly latched onto her ebony face. 

Viadoor yelped, a short and peaked cadence to her angry cries. Adrenaline pumping through her celestial frame, she wrenched her neck to the side of his raking advance, jade eyes glinting with malice in a manner similar to one of a lynx. 

A mighty growl reverberated through her frame, crescendoing until it was almost a roar in her powerful onyx throat. Lips peeling back to reveal bared teeth, Viadoor let loose a spray of glittering, amethyst coloured acid, connecting with her adversary's face. 

The earthen creature screeched a deafening retaliation, nothing befitting of a wolf, and keeled over into the shimmering frost, thrashing in unfathomable agony. 

Viadoor did something that a beast of the earthen realm would never even dream of doing:

She smiled.

She cocked her head in surprise when the victim of her scorching acid spoke. 

"Cursed beast of that damned sky, you do not belong of this world, you celestial menace!" He turned his bright topaz glaze to glare at her. "Show me your true form, demon."

So she did. 

A horrid sound of tearing flesh resonated through the forest of shadows. Layers of flesh peeled back, blood pooling and turning the snow the colour of a red garnet. The bloodied skin fell away and out stepped Viadoor's true form.

Just had this edited by the miracle worker Snowheart19 if you want  your book edited with someone awesome you should go check her out!

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