S1-S3 Summaries

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Season 1:

The outbreak has just started. A man named Lee Everett is being driven to jail in a police car. He is guilty of murdering the man who slept with his wife. A walker (zombie) walks in front of the car abruptly and they crash. Lee finds his way into Clementine's home while searching for help. He finds out that Clementine's parents were on a vacation when the outbreak started and were most likely dead. Clementine was only around 8 years old, so Lee takes Clementine under his wing. He guides her, teaches her life lessons, and protects her with his life. He is eventually bit at the end of the season. Canonically, Lee asks Clementine to shoot him so that he won't turn. She does, and the season ends.

Season 2:

Clementine is around eleven years old now. She was with Omid and Christa, a sweet and humorful couple that Lee and Clementine had met the season before. Omid is killed, and Christa and Clementine are split up about a year later when they are attacked by bandits. While alone, Clementine gets her arm mauled by a dog. A man named Luke and his friend save Clementine. They take her to their house where the rest of the group lived. Clementine meets Alvin and Rebecca. Rebecca is pregnant with Alvin's child. After the group moves, Clementine encounters Kenny, another character that she had met from Season 1. They later meet Jane, a lone survivor who is good in close combat. Rebecca gives birth to her child later on in the season but dies soon after. The child is named Alvin Junior. When the group is narrowed down to just Jane, Kenny, Clem, and AJ, things get tense. Kenny and Jane get into a fight, and Jane hides AJ to pretend that she lost him to prove a point. Kenny loses it and attacks Jane and attempts to kill her. The player can either choose to kill Kenny or let Kenny kill Jane. Clem can choose to stay with Kenny/Jane after the fight or go on alone with AJ.

Season 3:

Clementine is a side character in this season. This season focuses on Javier Garcia, an ex-baseball player with a hothead brother. When the outbreak starts, Javier's family is split up. He is left with his brother's wife, Kate, and his niece and nephew, Mariana and Gabriel. Mariana is killed by a bandit from The New Frontier. Javier later meets Clementine, who is now around 14 years old. Javier, Clem, and a group of people they had met along the way reunite with David, Javier's brother, in Richmond. Richmond at the time was being run by a group called The New Frontier. Clementine reveals that she was part of The New Frontier. It is later revealed that The New Frontier took AJ away from Clementine because they believed she was not capable of taking care of him. Clementine and Gabe get close. It is revealed that one of the leaders of The New Frontier is corrupt. Richmond plummets into chaos and is then overrun by walkers. Many of the character's deaths are determinant. In the best case scenario, Javier, Kate, and Gabe live and David is killed. Clementine leaves after she is told where they are keeping AJ.

Clem rescues AJ from 'The Ranch' sometime between S3 and S4.

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