The Ghost of Emily Green

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A car pulled up in the driveway of 666 Willow Drive. A child and her mother got out. She walked into the house. An old man sat in a chair. He looked almost like a zombie. Her mother gave Sarah a hug she left with tears in her eyes. Come sit down Sarah. You can sit right there. Now listen, this is the story of the ghost of Emily Green.

Her parents lived next to the graveyard where her father worked. They were running out of money and might be kicked out of there home. One night on the night before Halloween, she decided to go to the grave of Mr Samuel Black. The man who had locked himself in his own house with his wife and his daughter. The next night screams were heard from the mansion. The body was found the next height the night of Halloween. Mr Samuel Black was never found. They had an empty coffin in the grave. She tripped on a rock next to his grave. The rock gave way and a scroll fell out. Emily picked it up. It read My family has betrayed; me they will die! The treasure in my house is safe, now that they are gone. Now I shall make the deal I shall live forever all who ever doubted me is dead. There was blood all over the note. She thought she could save her family and this guy was a crazy person so it would all be all right.

The next day of Halloween she went to the old Black mansion. She opened the door and it creaked open. She slowed down the stairs into the basement. She shone her flashlight around the darkroom. It rested on the blood-red coffin in the corner. She stepped forward. It popped open and there stood Mr Samuel Black. He had green skin and. ( Seeing his granddaughter saying at him he skipped the details) well, he was um he looked like a zombie. He reached out a hand and pinned her to the wall. The neighbours heard the snap. The house was on 666 Willow Drive. The lights flickered and a white shape floated up from the basement. Her neck hung at a weird angle she smiled solemnly. Goodbye Sarah Smith she said. Her Grandfather lept at her. The world went dark for Sarah.

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