"Oh, what was I thinking?" The angel began. "It was stupid of me to come" he cast a glance at Crowley, who watched him in the corridor silently. For some reason, the demon's lack of words, and the expression that had found his face when he looked at him, caused Aziraphale to feel frightened of his old friend. Something he hadn't done in centuries. The demon was not wearing his usual sunglasses, and now his serpent like eyes were visible, they had always brought a sort of unease to the angel. Still, there was something else that made him distressed. Awkwardly, he cleared his throat, nodded shortly and headed to the door. Before he had managed to open it, the demon had approached him and placed a hand on the door. "Crowley, please remove your hand" Aziraphale begged, as he dragged at the door handle. Still nothing happened and he realized just how much stronger the demon was than himself. "I would very much like to leave" The only answer he was given was how the demon shook his head. " I shouldn't even be here"

"It doesn't matter" Crowley spat. "The world is ending anyways, angel, whether you like it or not" he continued to shake his head and began walking closer to the Aziraphale, which caused him to stumble backwards away from the door. "I've been trying to fix this, but all you care for is that little boy and you don't even know if you can change anything"

"But we have to try" the angel argued, but quickly closed his mouth when the demon gave him a glare.

"Haven't you got it yet, It doesn't matter what we do" he repeated, this time a bit louder which made Aziraphale flinch.

"You are frightening me, Crowley" he gasped, while he took another step backwards and felt his back against the wall, "This is not you"

"Oh, but it is" he almost laughed "I'm a demon, remember?"

"But you're not a cruel demon"

"That's just what you've been telling yourself" Crowley decreased the space between them and took a grip around the angel's wrists, to pin him up against the wall. Aziraphale realized quickly that trying to fight his way free, was pointless. The more he yanked his arms to make him loosen the grip, Crowley only put more weight into his hand. With his face turned away from the demon, the angel breathed rapidly. "I've really tried to stop myself" the demon rasped yonderly, as he removed his hand from one of the angel's wrist, and dragged his fingers over his cheek instead. Beneath his palm, he felt how Aziraphale was trembling. "I've really tried to be good for you, you just make me so damned frustrated, you know" he smiled, but it did not last for long and soon was his face stern again. "Say kiss me" he commanded.

"Crowley, please" Aziraphale shook his head, with his eyes closed.

"Say it" he repeated, as he pushed his body further against the white haired man, which caused him to shake even more.

"Kiss me" gasped Aziraphale. Nothing happened, until Crowley's hand found his jaw and forced the angel to face him. Fright was in his eyes as he refused to look upon the demon. He felt the bright yellow eyes on his skin. The angel was not certain of just how many beats his heart skipped when the demon pressed his lips against his own. The hand which had been on his jaw, found his nape and Crowley began to move his mouth over Aziraphale's. With open eyes, the angel gasped when he felt the demon's tongue slowly separating his lips. There was nothing else he could do but let him. Without being able to help it, he let out a soft moan, something that Crowley did not miss. It only seemed to make him more eager, while his split tongue played with the angel's.

With his face shining in triumph, the demon withdrew. The smirk only got wider on his lips when he saw the furious blush on the white haired man's face. His pale eyes were pleading, still he remained speechless. "Tell me that you want me" continued Crowley, with a calm but steady manner.

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