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I barely stood on my own two feet, trembling as the large man approached me. The trail that led to a forest seemed even less spacious than it was before. It closed on my body and was getting closer to me with every millisecond, just like my target, or should I say, the person targetting me. I slowly ran out of space. I ran out of the loose fence guarding me from the cliff and out of the trees near me, out of the beginning of the forest. It was only me, the bare space I took and him. Coming closer and closer before swinging his large knife.

How did I get here?

Not this exact position I'm in now, but on this battlefield at all?

This is my third time and I'm in a new environment. I've never been to this trail before. Wasn't life different? I... don't remember at all. But I know deep down that before all of this, I was someone else. I can feel it.

Why am I even thinking about this now? There's a fat Chinese chef swinging his knife at me and yet I'm thinking about such existential bullshit now.

I tried to grab the gun I found lying around, but I was too slow. The chef cut my arm with his huge knife. It hurt like hell, one of the worst wounds I ever got in this stupid game.

Yeah, that's what I was to them. Just a research subject. Just a stupid character in a game. Someone who could heal and revive, so why not kill me? Why not torture me? But it wasn't just me. It was a dozen people every time. Sometimes, you would get picked, sometimes, you wouldn't. Some of them preferred to get picked, but I was way on the further side. I never wanted to participate.

Blood streamed out of my arm. I thought I wouldn't last much longer. I would probably be the first one killed again.

Why do I even fight? Why can't I stop fighting? Every time I feel I could just put a gun to my head and shoot, something stops me. What is it that keeps me going? Because that's the only thing I want to exterminate in this stupid test game.

Laughter could be heard behind one of the trees. It was the sickest and cruelest laughter ever. It took its time while approaching. At first, it was very vocal and clear, but it later ran out of breath and became thin and sick. The fat chef turned around to face it which gave me the time to grab the gun with my other hand. I fired but missed. He turned to face me and swung his knife again, but all I could focus on was the chainsaw behind him. A girl appeared out of nowhere, splashed with blood that dyed her white hair in a deep red. And while the chef hit my shoulder with his knife, the girl's chainsaw was already running. As soon as he managed to turn around to face her and took a step back from the loud chaotic song of the chainsaw, his head was already no more.

Even fresher blood splashed all over the place, especially the girl, and his body fell on mine, helping the knife cut my flesh even deeper, resulting in another scream from me.

"Oh?" The girl looked at me and chuckled, "you're still alive, huh? Want Jackie to help with that?" I grunted again, unable to resist the cries of my body.

But when I actually processed it, an answer popped up in my head: "Yeah. Kill me."

Jackie looked quite surprised and just chuckled gruesomely again. This time, her chuckle was longer and seemed more sincere. When she finished chuckling, the last words I heard were: "Well then, how should we tear this one?" The words somehow made me relax, thinking how I was finally going to finish this game. Both my shoulders, that were bleeding heavily, and my jaw majorly relaxed.

The last sight of the day was her chainsaw turning on as that loud noise filled the trail. Then finally, as my eyes closed, I lost myself within a second as she sliced through my brain. It was a nice way to die. Very quick and painless. It made me wish never to wake up on that hospital bed again.

But I did.

WRITER'S THOUGHT: Might update weekly.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 05, 2020 ⏰

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