Noah's Ark

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Humans developed and created new things that even God would come to try. Eventually, problems arose. Men held a grudge against women longer than they could remember why forcing them into servitude. Humans started discriminating based on stupid. Things like skin colour, where people were born, how much money they had, who their parents were, how they prayed, and who they loved—this all disappointed God. Humans were meant to live in peace and strive for a better future for all. Instead, everyone fought their own battles against every other thing on the planet. God had an idea. If all the humans died, then everything could begin again."It would just be a small flood." God reasoned, taking a bucket and filling it with water. The earth lay in a small bowl of swirling light. In other pots to the side sits more planets. Moons and gas giants on shelves with suns scattered around on tables. It looked like stardust ran like a small river from one corner to another of the room. Asteroids were hopping from bowl to bowl. Worlds with life are few and far between, but the earth had managed this complex task. God was about to pour the water onto it when they realized something. They had no way of protecting the good ones. "I could just start over with sea life." God tried to convince themself. "I like whales." They whined. Slumping their shoulders, God worked very hard to believe that he didn't care for pigs with their little hooves, silly ears and the way that pigs basked in the sun when they were tired. God couldn't do it. They liked deer and elephants just as much as whales. If only elephants had thumbs to build something to save themselves. "I guess I could just pick just a few humans. Some very nice humans, the type that would make sure piggies always had somewhere to sleep in the sun." God tapped their pointer fingers together. That sounded like an ok plan. "I can even call it something fancy like..."God pondered this. They couldn't just call it a boat; they were God! It had to be something fancy but pronounceable. "...The Ark..." God smiled at themself. They were thinking about how they were rather smart, coming up with new words just like that. But who should they tell? God needed a human to build it, but which would God save? So few were actually good. Even then, out of those good ones, it would be hard to pick one. "I could draw a name from a bowl?" summoning up a large bowl filled with names, God reaches in and grabs a slip of paper. "Noah?" God shrugged their shoulders. But was he the right choice? Could they pick another name? But that would be mean to Noah! It would be God willfully not choosing him. Noah was as good as anyone else God supposed. Well, God hadn't really looked into Noah but had a feeling that he wasn't a murder. Things would hopefully go better. Noah and his family would build the Ark for the animals. All the cute elephants and pigs would be safe. In return, they would all be safe from the storm.Noah agreed instantly to do so. The Ark would take years to build, but when it was done, it would be the biggest ship anyone had ever seen. Before the Ark set off, God promised themself never to do this again."You can do better this time." God unconvincingly said. As Noah boarded the Ark, God began pouring water. By the time they were done, there was no dry land left. God avoided thinking about the exact repercussions of what they had done. There was quite a lot of people there. "There's no going back now." They grumbled, making their way over to Venus. "For now, I will focus on the other planets" God looked s at the earth the same way an adult looks at their childhood drawings. Turning their full attention to Venus. The planet was lightly thundering at the time. "Let's see if we can make life." While God didn't speak it, they were thinking of it as a backup plan. If earth went truly topsy-turvey, then it was good to have a plan C.

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