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Aaron's POV
I had just finished the last report on our previous case when I glanced at my watch to notice it was half past midnight.

"Damn" I muttered under my breath.

As I'm gathering my belongings to head home I get a phone call. Erin Strauss. Rolling my eyes I pick up the phone.

"Hotchner" I recite into the phone as I've done countless times before.

"Agent Hotchner, I have assigned you a case gather your team you will need to leave within the hour." Strauss says, " I'm also assigning another agent for this case if it goes well she will be joining your team. We will se you in 15 minutes. I'm sending you her file now."

After calling the team in and letting Jack's babysitter know I wouldn't make it home tonight I decided to look into the agent that is joining us.

SSA Trinity Ann Jefferson
Age :26
Graduated from UCLA with honors.
Parents: Susan and Richard Jefferson
Siblings: Trent, Trace and Taryn Jefferson
As I finish looking over the agent's file I see Morgan and Prentiss entering the bullpen.

"Round Table room in five." I announce as I leave my office to head to the coffee pot.

Within a few minutes everyone including Strauss and the new agent have gathered in round table room.

"Let's begin," I say as I glance up from the file in my hand.

Strauss gives all of the details on the case, a pack of killers have been hunting people throughout the midwest and have amassed 10 kills in 1 month.

"You all have probably been wondering who the new face is, SSA Trinity Jefferson, meet SSA's Derek Morgan, Emily Prentiss, David Rossi, Dr. Spencer Reid, Technical Analyst Penelope Garcia, Media Liasson Jennifer Jareau, and Unit Chief Aaron Hotchner. I will let you guys get acquainted. Have a safe trip."

After a series of handshakes, hellos, and a wave from Reid, the team files out of the room to get their go bags. Agent Jefferson hangs back in the room.

"Do you have a go bag prepared?" I ask her as we exit the room.

"Yes sir. Chief Strauss prepared me." She says sheepishly.

"Good." I say as I turn to head back to my office. "And Jefferson, you can call me Hotch." I smile.

With my office door open I can hear the team's conversation in the bull pen.

"Wow dollface you just made Hotch smile." Morgan teases Jefferson. "He hasn't done that since his wife died. How long ago was that Prentiss?"

"Almost 2 years I think." Prentiss replies.

"Actually it's been 1 year, 11 months and 27 days." Reid piped up.

I frown realizing the anniversary of Hayley's death is only three days away.

I push the thought aside and head out to the bullpen.

"Jefferson, I need to see you in my office." I say glancing up from a case file.

"You wanted to see me sir?" She asks shyly hanging back by the door.

"Yes I did. Close the door please." I say getting up from my chair. " Have you ever worked in the field?" I question her as I sit on the corner of my desk.

"No sir, I worked for counter terrorism before I put in for a transfer to the BAU." She says as she sits in one of the chairs across from my desk. " I never got to go out into the field."

"Ok. You will have another agent with you at all times." I say as I lead her to the door.

As everyone began to group up in the bullpen, Garcia came running from her office.

"Guys, they just found another body. Jeremy Hoover, 23. Same signature as the others. They found this one just off of Interstate 80 in Nebraska." She says half yelling.

"Ok. Tell the Omaha field office we will be there in a couple hours. Garcia, I want you to come along with us know this one. Do you have a go bag?

"Yes sir." She says as she leaves to get her bag. "I've been waiting for this day for like a year."

Jefferson's P.O.V

As I boarded the plane i noticed everyone had already claimed a seat and had already engaged themselves with an activity; Rossi sat at the front of the plane taking a nap, Morgan, Prentiss, and Garcia sat at one of the tables playing a card game frequent laughs came from their side of the plane. Hotch and JJ sat at the table opposite of them and they each had files they were looking over.

Reid sat on the couch at the back of the plane reading what looked to be the biggest book I've ever seen, which says a lot because I has to read War and Peace in high school.

Unsure of who to sit by, I decided to sit near Rossi in the front of the plane. I looked out the window until Hotch announced it was time to go over assignments.

"Garcia, you'll go the field office and set up. Reid and JJ, I also want you guys to go and start on the geographical profile. Rossi and Prentiss, go to the local social gathering hotspots, see if anyone recognizes any of our victims. Morgan, I want you to join the locals at the newest crime scene. Jefferson, you and I will go pay the Hoover's a visit.

Hey guys!!! How did you like the first part?
I'm going to make the rest of them longer hopefully. Should I continue with this book?

xo faith❤

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 15, 2020 ⏰

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