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It was a cold February night, Snow falling delicately on to the barren branches once covered in colorful leaves the prior season. Towards the end of the house sat a seemingly ordinary home that a seemingly ordinary family owned. In the small town of New Rochelle, New York they have come to be known as the Canterburry's. And as of four days prior the son of Esmeralda and William was born, his name being Xavier, Xavier Canterburry was named after William's father. However little to their knowledge, a mysterious figure was walking towards their home. And this would be the last time the Canterburry's would be together.

It was the morning next morning and Mr. Elliot Ozwald was having breakfast with his Wife Amelia and their newborn son Adam, who was stubbornly eating his vegetable puree. While Elliot was reading his paper, he noticed something very peculiar as the headline of the article stated "Two murders: cause of death unknown." As he kept reading the paper he noticed the name "Canterburry" which to his total shock must have been a coincidence. Knowing full well his wife and her sister never talked much he didn't want to bring up such a subject. But his curiosity had caught the best of him, "Dear, whatever happened to your sister..." stopping himself before saying her name as to not stir his wife's anger into full force. She stared at him as if he had summoned the devil himself "Well, last I heard of my sister Esmeralda she got married to some William fellow and had a kid born on the same day as little Adam here" she said as she finally got Adam to eat a spoonful of vegetable puree " I think they named the child Xavier"

"What an odd name indeed, but dear you wouldn't happen to know the last name of the family would you?" She got up from her chair and crossed her arms glaring daggers at him "Do you never listen to a word I say" she huffed " I think the name was Canterburry, why?" Mr. Ozwalds face went pale "Oh dear..." Amelia had never seen her husband this faint before "Wh- what is it dear." Mr. Ozwald gulped "...Esmeralda and William are dead..." Amelia felt very faint in that moment. Amelia knew that she and her sister never really got along but for her to be dead seemed so surreal to her.

"However, dear, it says nothing about the kid being dead, in fact there is no mention of the child even being at the scene." Amelia shot up "I'm sorry, did I hear you say that the son wasn't dead or found at the scene? Where could he possibly be?". Mr. Ozwald sat back up to finish his breakfast "Bloody hell if i know, all i know is that we have enough problems raising one child." He took a bite into his breakfast. Amelia took in a deep breath "Yes, yes you're quite right." Amelia said, wiping the mess on Adam's face. She felt horrible for the way she had treated her sister.

After a very quiet and unusual breakfast Mr. Ozwald made his way out of the house and couldn't help but notice a strange cat sitting on the brick wall that surrounded the front of the house, he had never seen such a cat in the area. The cat was beige in color with brown stripes. However, what stood out the most was the cat's eyes. One was a deep blue and the other a vibrant green. Mr. Ozwald quickly brushed it off, looked down at his watch and continued towards his car. When he arrived he noticed a flock of birds were out in the area more than there should be, especially with it being only February.

Later on in the morning, when Mr. Ozwald found himself stuck in traffic, he noticed something even more peculiar than the cat that he saw earlier. He looked out of his car window to see the people outside walking by in long robes, each in their own distinct vibrant colors. Mr. Ozwald brushed this off as well, summing it up to be some new, weird trend that was going around.

"This generation..." He mumbled to himself as he drove off to work.

As Mr. Ozwald arrived at work, he greeted everyone as he usually did. Everyone greeted him back with awestruck expressions stuck on their faces as they greeted him due to the shock of the unusual oddities happening all morning. Ozwald again brushed it off, thinking that today was just going to be odd no matter what.

After coming home from work and sitting down to eat dinner with his family did he start to finally relax. Midway through dinner the family heard a knock on the door, which was strange seeing as they weren't expecting any guests that night. Mr. Ozwald got up from his seat and headed towards the door." Who is it?" he asked as he looked through the peephole. A tall, lanky man about 6 feet tall and dressed in a black suit with a wooden cane in one hand and a baby in the other stood on the other side of the door. Mr. Ozwald was taken aback when he saw the child, but before he could voice his concern the man spoke. "Ah, yes, hello Mr. Ozwald I am here for Ms. Amelia by her sister's request." He said. Mr. Ozwald opened the door to let the gentlemen in. From the kitchen Amelia poked her head in, curious as to who this mysterious visitor was. "Who is it, Dear?" She asked.

Mr. Ozwald looked back "It's for you dear." He stated as he stepped aside. The tall man came in and sat down on the sofa as Amelia stepped in, Adam in her arms. "Why hello Ms. Amelia, my name is Frank Debuois." Frank extended a hand to greet Amelia, she shook the outstretched hand with a pleasant enough smile on her face. "So tell me Mr. Debuois, what brings you to our home tonight?" she asked taking a seat on the couch across from him."Please Miss, Frank will do just fine. As to what I am doing, I came here to take care of a couple things Esmeralda asked me to do." he said, gently placing a sleeping Xavier to his side before he pulled out a note and began to read aloud.

"To my sister Amelia,

Though I know when we had last spoken we were still not on the greatest terms, that is not why I am writing to you. I am experiencing the final moments of my life and I have but one request of you before I go. I know it's hard for you to hear this news, my last request is for you to take in Xavier, my son. I trust that you will love and protect him as if he was your own. I leave my most valuable treasure in your care.

Much love,

Esmeralda Canterburry.

Amelia stood in shock, looking between the child and the man. She couldn't believe what she had just read, no words could form on her tongue. The room was silent until Frank spoke up. "I am very sorry for your loss Ms. Amelia, However as per your sister's request I am to leave young Xavier in your care. As for the amenities involving Xavier, Esmeralda has left a card for you to use on him. I must warn you that the card is only meant to be used on him should anything happen. If that card is used on anything else, I will be alerted. As you can see i was appointed to supervise the amenities for young one." He got up and excused himself, walked out, and closed the door behind him, leaving the family to absorb what had just transpired.

It was 10 years ago when Xavier was placed into a new family.


A big special thanks to @crazycartoonist for helping me edit the story go check out her one-shots 

and if you like this story and want more up-vote comment and share the story. more chapters coming soon thanks to quarantine

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 31, 2020 ⏰

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