right where i want you

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Taeyong likes Baekhyun.

A lot of things about him, actually- his jokes and his smile, how he looks on stage, his body when he dances.

He likes the way Baekhyun makes him feel.

It was a niggling thing in the way back of his mind for a long time, a crush on Baekhyun that was more like admiration, that was more like a fan looking starry-eyed up at an idol, out of reach. Now Baekhyun is very much in his reach, on a North American tour with him and the rest of SuperM, not ten feet away from him in the bathroom of the hotel room. In the shower, Taeyong remembers. (Naked.)

Taeyong had nervously crashed Baekhyun's liveshow a little while ago, slowly growing more and more comfortable in front of the camera with his hyung until they were both laughing about something nonsensical. Taeyong is so attuned to what Baekhyun is doing at all times. He keeps his eyes trained on him and laughs louder than usual, throwing his head back and clapping like a seal. Baekhyun makes Taeyong feel comfortable, and special, and just a little bit giddy.

Baekhyun makes him do stupid things.

Stupid things like staying in Baekhyun's room while he showers, even though he bid Baekhyun goodnight, promising himself to clear out after a few minutes. Baekhyun grabbed a few things out of his hard plastic suitcase and slipped into the restroom, calling for Taeyong not to wait up for him as he cleans up for the night. But Taeyong finds himself precariously sitting on the edge of Baekhyun's bed, keeping very still and listening carefully to the water turn on.

Taeyong doesn't exactly know what he's doing (as is the case with most instances involving Baekhyun). What exactly he's accomplishing by listening to the shower water, accompanied by Baekhyun's soft singing, muffled through the wall. His mind wonders to Baekhyun, his skin all on display under the water, soapy suds pooling in the dips and ridges of his muscles. His delicate hands running deftly through his hair. Taeyong isn't at all new to wanting Baekhyun, but thoughts like these usually strike him late at night and in the privacy of his own room, where he's free to take himself in his hand and indulge in all the ways he wants him. These thoughts, of Baekhyun's very naked body, of Baekhyun having his way with him, usually don't happen with Taeyong waiting on the other side of a door, the object of his desires unknowingly on the other side.

God, he wants. Just thinking about it makes heat rise in his cheeks.

Minutes later, Taeyong's scrolling through his phone when the water shuts off and he hears the faint shuffling of Baekhyun moving around. Taeyong wants to bolt out the door before his hyung discovers him waiting like a puppy for their owner to come home. The bathroom doorknob turns.

Taeyong stares at Baekhyun, dumb, in the split second before Baekhyun yelps and dashes back into the restroom, exclaiming and apologizing.

"Taeyong-ah! You surprised me!"

"S-sorry, hyung!" Taeyong calls out to him, heat rising in his cheeks. Baekhyun had been wearing nothing but a towel, sitting low on his hips. Taeyong could see everything. "I didn't mean to scare you."

A muted laugh sounds from beyond the door. "That's okay, wait up for hyung! I'll be right out!"

Taeyong follows Baekhyun's directive and falls back onto the bed, staring at the ceiling. The visual of Baekhyun's bare chest, flushed from the heat and covered with tiny crystals of water... So much skin. Taeyong files it away for safekeeping.

Moments later, Baekhyun re-emerges fully clothed, and Taeyong sits up like a soldier springing to attention. His hyung is wearing a soft black shirt that must be a few sizes to big for him, hem falling mid-thigh- Taeyong can just barely see the shorts underneath.

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⏰ Last updated: May 30, 2020 ⏰

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