Don't Lose Hope

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Their fights were very rare, atleast the serious ones. When Lan Wangji and Wei Wuxian argued like that, the whole Cloud Recess seemed to shrink a little.

Why? Because after fights like these they often won't talk to each other for a few days. And silent Wei Wuxian is always unsettling. It just doesn't suit him. Lan Wangji on the other hand is even more gloomier and if he catches anyone doing something against the rules, the punishment is always unbearable.

Well one of this remarkable fights happened. Wei Wuxian can't even remember what the argument started, he just knows that he was crying when he yelled "Maybe I should just stayed dead, when you clearly don't love me!".
Lan Zhan stood there shocked, just staring at Wei Ying. Wei Wuxian couldn't stand it any longer and ran away from Jingshi, ignoring his husbands pleas.

He couldn't hear anything, just ringing in his ears. He ran and ran until he was exhausted from runningand crying. Wei Wuxian slumped against a tree and let himself just cry until he didn't have anymore tears to shed.

Wei Ying somehow calmed down enough to think racionally. He looked at his surroundings, and realized that he had no idea where he was. That was more than odd as Wei Ying knew Cloud Recess by heart. But Wei Wuxian never saw this part of it.

He stood up and started to head towards where he thinks he came from.

But after an hour of aimless walking Wei Wuxian was starting worry. The feared Yilling Partriach is lost in a fucking Cloud Recess where lives a few years now.

The sun was setting down and so Wei Wuxian decided to find some shelter as it was useless to be walking around without any direction. Fortunately for Wuxian, he found a cave that was bug enough for him to lady there and still have some space left.

Wei Wuxian guickly collected dry wood, some leaves and made a provisored bonfire with a fire talisman.

The nigh has fallen and by the second it was more and more colder. Wei Ying felt a shiver run trough his whole being, unconciously moving towards the source of heat.

Now that he finally has some time to relax, he began to ponder what were his options. Obviously he will have to wait until the sunrise, but what next? Wei Wuxian really hoped that once the sun rises, he'll be able to distinguish where he is.

He knew his husband will worry when he will nit return to the jingshi. So far Wei Ying always came back after their fights, never angered enough to let his beloved suffer not knowing where he is. But he can't exactly do anything about it. I'm sorry Lan Zhan Wei Wuxian silently apologised.

Nothing to do Wei Wuxian very guickly became bored, but he didn't have the energy to entertain himself. His eyelids began to droop and before he could comprehend what is happening, he fell asleep.


Rays of sunlight woke Wei Wuxian up. He was confused for a couple of second, staring at the unfamiliar ceiling. Then it all rushed to him, the argument, him running away crying and finding the cave. He slowly sat up, his head pounding from the massive crying yesterday.

It was already past noon, if the sun high in the sky was anything to go by. The fire pit long gone burnt.

Wei Ying stood up and exited from the cave into the forest. He looked around himself and realized he knows where he is. Now in the daylight he recognizes the mountain before him, the forest. He's not that far away from Jingshi, but it'll probably take two hours min. to get there.

Wuxian sighed, Well I don't have any other option, and started the walk to his home.

After some time he finally saw something familiar. Rabbits! Wei Ying thought. And he was right, when they noticed him they all scrambled to him happily. They used to be afraid of Wei Wuxian, but after a lot of coaxing and Lan Zhan's help, they finally got used to him.

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