chapter 1

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this is my first fanfic so I'm only gonna post 1 chapter for now btw I can't spell

Percy Pov

my name is Percy Jackson and I had saved the gods two times I had the girl of my dreams Annabeth. life was great until Shawn O'niel son of zeus came and ruined my life he told grover I broke his reed pipes then he ratted out the stolls and told them he saw me talking to Chiron earlier one by one all my friends left me.

 but the final straw was when he stole Annabeth from me. I ran from camp leaving every thing behind as soon as I crossed the camp borders there was a bright flash of light and then I appeared in the throne room of Olympus.

btw I just going to under line the stuff Percy says

  why I am here I ask the gods. like you don't know spy says ares 

 I am not a spy I shout with an outraged voice zeus says "we have evidence of you spying for Gaia" "who gave you this evidence I ask" "my favourite son Shawn did" says drama queen "for betraying Olympus we will give you the worst punishment in the world" thunders drama queen "what is it thunder bug"  he gets a furious look on his face"you will be the slave of the hunt for the rest of your life" thunders drama queen thunder bug rumbles meeting dismissed.

then Artemis flashs us to the hunt and puts silver shackles on my ankles then we walk into the hunters camp....

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