Bad Day

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A/N: I'm sorry I haven't updated my other stories, but I promise they're still gonna be updated at some point!

"Wow, what a meanie." Mafu huffed from Sora's pocket as Sora picked up his failing test grade, following a few comments from his teacher. Soraru nodded at the teacher and picked up his things and went on his way home. He stopped on the convenience store on his way home, picking up the same thing he always did. A bottle of cherry soda, a bag of chips, and a pack of M&Ms. 

Once they got home, Mafumafu peeked his head out from Soraru's soft sweater pocket. He used his tiny mittens to fix his hair and rub his button eyes. Soraru held his hand up to his pocket, letting the albino crawl out on his hand and sit on his palm. Even after Soraru set his hand down on the desk, Mafu didn't crawl onto the desk like he normally would. He kept his button eyes fixated on Soraru. 

"What?" the raven asked, tilting his head. 

"You're upset about something." The doll stated, the same knitted smile and empty stare never changing. "Well, at least I know what that something is." He waved his little arms. "Up."

Sora obliged, raising the doll to the level of his head. Mafu took his felt hand and pressed it between Sora's eyes. "Today was a bad day, I know it was." He said softly. "But the sun will always rise tomorrow, and you'll have a fresh, new, shiny day to enjoy."

Sora sighed and nodded, "Yeah...I know." He mumbled quietly. Mafu rubbed his tiny mit along Sora's forehead to comfort him the best he could. He bounced in Sora's palm. "Down, down! I'm hungry!"

Sora sighed and nodded, plopping the little doll on the desk. He reached down into the bag and pulled out the three items. He opened the pack of M&Ms for Mafu first, and the little snowy doll buried his big, soft head into the little packet, re-emerging with a piece of the candy in his hands. He wasn't a microscopic doll, but he was just the right size for an empty M&M wrapper to provide a snug sleeping bag for him. So, Sora always kept one on the desk for him. 

Soraru crunched on the chips and watched Mafu fondly as the little yarn doll munched on the candy. Mafu finished a piece and waved his arms again. "Thirsty!" Soraru nodded and picked Mafu up and lifted him to the drink, plopping a straw in there for him. After a couple tiny gulps, the doll sat back with a satisfied sigh. 

Soraru sat him back down and watched Mafu crawl around the desk, first picking up another piece of candy, then crawling over to his little makeshift apartment in Sora's shelf, which was attached to the desk. Sora had been kind enough to help Mafu decorate it, a tiny string of LED lights, a doll bed, and a nice warm blanket square that Soraru had made himself in his home ec class.

Mafu made a soft sigh of pure happiness as he munched on the candy, cuddling up in the little bed. Soraru couldn't help but feel nothing but pure fondness for the doll. The way he took pleasure in the simplest every day things was adorable to Soraru, and even though Mafu was a four inch tall yarn doll, he was someone Soraru aspired to be, always finding the bright side of things. 

"Hey, Sora?" Mafu's tiny voice called from his little bed. 

"Hm?" Sora looked up from his trance to see big red buttons staring at him.

"I love ya, mmkay?" He tilted his doll head

Sora stared at Mafu for a little bit. For the smallest fraction of a second, Sora almost wanted to cry.

"Love you too, Mafu." Sora said softly. 

Mafu took his daily after-school nap while Sora sat below him and did his homework. Mafu woke up to the smell of the dinner that Sora had brought into his room, of which Sora fed little bites to Mafu. 

Mafu noticed Soraru still seemed upset, even after their nightly bedtime routine. Mafu was already in bed, but he wanted to do something about this.

Mafu was almost never one to willingly crawl out of his bed. He would usually sleep through Sora's alarm and the bus ride, waking up in Sora's pocket, in the middle of a math lecture that just as easily lulled him back to sleep until lunch. Nevertheless, he jumped out of the bed and landed on Sora's hair. He rolled onto his stomach and rubbed Sora's hair. "Want me to stay with you tonight?" He asked softly.

"...Yeah." Sora mumbled. 

Mafu hummed in agreement as Sora turned the lights off and crawled into his bed. Mafu laid next to him, by his head. He would mumble about his little musings from his little doll world as Sora drifted off to sleep. And if there were any tears, Mafu would wipe them away with his tiny, soft hands.

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