Prologue: What is Hidden

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"Blossommmm..." a high pitched voice hissed from the darkness. 

Her name had reverberated all around her immediate surroundings, forcing her to whirl around blindly in search of the source of the chilling hiss. It was pitch black; the only thing visible to her was her own body vaguely glowing in the dark. She wasn't sure whether she should be pleased or not to be a human glow stick. The pink Puff squinted minutely into the void facing her. She thought she heard light scuffling in the distance. She tried to tune in all her attention to her surrounding sounds since sight was getting her absolutely nowhere fast. Just as she thought she wouldn't hear another noise, a huff of cool air brushed against the back of her neck and she jumped a foot in the air. Immediately on the offensive her eyes began to glow dangerously. She flew off in a random direction, surroundings unchanging, yet she continued to search the endless depths of the darkness surrounding her. The feeling of unease increased within. 

Where was she? How had she gotten here and where were her sisters?

Goosebumps began to rise all over her exposed arms and legs. She flew faster, air whipping past her, undoubtedly tangling her copper mane. Something felt wrong. Something felt unnatural here. A soft chuckle was heard in the distance followed by shuffling steps across the ground. Tense already Blossom stopped in midair, hovering for a moment, focusing wholly on pinpointing the source of the chuckle that was verging on the edge of maniacal laughter. 

"Boo!" the voice hissed right in front of her face. She held in a scream of fright, opting instead for a sharp inhalation. The smell that greeted her nose as a result was repulsive to say the least. The sweet and sickly odor of rot and death that assaulted her senses was overwhelming enough to trigger her offense. She fired off a stream of icicles directly in front of her. The laughter continued and once again she couldn't tell which direction it came from. She spun in circles, shooting off in every direction but the laughter did not cease. It was becoming down right unhinged and she still couldn't tell where it was coming from. Damn it she didn't even know where she was much less where the source of her current distress was.

Without a moment's warning she was suddenly hoisted higher into the air, no longer floating of her own volition. She was being suffocated, panic began to flood her veins as she kicked her legs out in front of her trying to injure her attacker and was met with nothing but air. The laughter stopped. The inky blackness of the room began to disappear, washed away by a wave of red all around. Two pin prick feline eyes appeared out of thin air much like the Cheshire cat but with none of his whimsy. The eyes peered at her wriggling body. Her eyes widened as they met. Those eyes were familiar. Where did she know them from? She was sure she would have been able to remember were she not starved of oxygen at that moment. She clawed at the air around her neck trying to remove her invisible assailants grip on her throat. Her hands met a blistering surface hidden from her eyes. She cried out in pain, losing whatever air had been left in her lungs. With that her consciousness began to slip away from her the blood red environment she was in was suddenly too bright to look at and her eyes began to droop shut.

"How dull," the voice sighed dejectedly.

A scream of terror awoke Blossom from her nightmare. She sprung upright in her bed. Her throat felt raw and her body was sore. She whipped around to look at her clock. It read 3:13 a.m. She had just fallen asleep not even three hours ago! She held her head in one hand, the dream slowly slipping from her as her concern over the sound that awoke her rose. 

Dazedly Blossom flew out into the hallway. Her father stood anxiously outside, her two siblings wrapped around an arm each. She approached them slowly. After a moment's examination, the eldest Puff joined the grouphug silently. Once they were all calm enough the professor coaxed them into the kitchen for some hot cocoa. Twin shrieks had apparently been what had launched both him and Blossom out of bed. Bubbles had been well and truly terrified coming out of her dreams while Buttercup had been enraged. The dream had really messed with her and she was pissed but the tough girl still quivered silently at her sister's side. 

All three Puff's had been visited by haunting nightmares yet none of them wanted to speak of it. Not even Bubble's who was usually the first to talk her way through her emotions. She was still shaken even after the cocoa. The professor's concern over his daughter's was great and with no other ideas he invited his girls back to his bedroom for the night. It had been years since they had slept in their fathers bed what with them being in their late teens now but no one argued at the suggestion, not even the ever brave and bold Buttercup. She huffed a low "thank you" under her breath, hugging a camo pillow to her chest roughly. 

The professor smiled warmly and led his girls upstairs and into bed. He gazed at his gotten girls. Buttercup looked around herself nervously, cracking her knuckles repeatedly, as she climbed up the darkened stairway. Bubbles was quietly humming a soothing song of hers to herself and pulling on her twin braids anxiously. Blossom was more tense than he had ever seen her before. It seemed as though each muscle in her body was coiling inward, waiting to spring into action at any moment. He had no idea what had scared his children so badly that it had come to the point that they wanted to sleep in their father's bed for the night but he knew whatever it was must have been terrifying and he counted his lucky stars he hadn't had a nightmare as well.



I guess I'm dipping my toe in every fandom I enjoy reading. Oh well. I read a fan fiction that made a certain demon villain actually scary and I decided to take a crack at it. If like to make this about our creepy demon friend but also a romance. So slice of life meets horror. Sounds like fun to me. If you follow me for other stuff and happened to read this idk what to tell you. I don't know how I got into this fandom but I can sure tell you it's so pure and fun.

Much Love

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