The beginning

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She was perfect, The most perfect being this universe could have created. She sat two rows in front of me and always wore a pink beaded bracelet on her right arm. Most of her wardrobe had light pinks and blues but she could pull off any other color and still look perfect. Her short black hair was always shining in the sun. She didn't have a flaw I, on the other hand, was the exact opposite. Most of my clothes were dark and my pants always had rips and tears. My hair was shaved on one side while the other side was a blonde mess of curls. She was always the first one in the classroom pulling out her pink notebook either writing notes or going over them.  Sometimes she would get teased in the hallway but it never bothered her. I was crushing hard on her but there was no way she would be interested were exact opposites plus I don't think shes even into girls. No matter how hard I tried to get over my crush it would always come back and I would find myself back at square one.  Her name was stuck in my head ¨ and I couldn't help but think about her being with me. I wasn't much of a scholar I just went to school so my dad wouldn't have any legal trouble. I've had my fair share of school calling home, suspensions and skipping class I only went to my last class to see her.  little did I know that it was all going to change.

¨Hey Space Ranger Back to earth¨  A hand was waving in my face I shook my head looking up seeing my friend Zed it's a nickname our group gave him in the 7th grade that story is for another time. 

¨ah Hey Zed¨ I said Looking at the clock class was almost over so I began throwing my stuff in my bag. 

¨Are we still going to Dan's party tonight I heard it's gonna be killer!" Zed said excitedly 

¨Well duh what else are we gonna do on a Friday night" I responded getting up from my seat looking behind me I saw her again. She looked up at me and smiled I lightly blushed and gave her a half-smile back looking back to Zed ¨Ready to go?¨ He nodded and we left the classroom 

¨So whos that girl you keep looking at¨ Zed said giving me a smirk

I lightly punched his arm ¨Her name is Savanna¨ I said looking to see if she had left yet.

¨Ohhh Well you know I heard she's going to Dan's party tonight¨ He said pulling out his keys.

I was wide-eyed ¨could this be my chance to finally get closer to her?¨ I said to myself walking towards the car ¨Guess will find out¨ I whispered to myself.


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