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thoughts so far?? 
cherry - harry styles
i've had 5 years but i'm still not mentally prepared for july 23rd like dude it's abt to go down


Noah sleeps as I slip out of bed carefully, trying not to wake. Successfully, I walk down the hallway and to the kitchen. Mrs. Schnapp is sitting at the bar counter with a cup of coffee and a book. When I walk up she greets me with a smile and gestures to the pot of coffee. I pour myself a cup and take a seat next to her, studying the artwork that sits on the walls. Mrs. Schnapp and I are the only two people us, which is nice. I've always been the late sleeper, obviously with my many, many tardies at school. But for some reason, I couldn't fall asleep last night after Noah fell asleep. I just laid there and stared up at the ceiling. It was nice listening to the crashing waves on the beech. Being here has just been amazing.

"You know, ever since he met you, Noah hasn't stopped talking about you." Mrs. Schnapp says to me.

"Really?" I ask.

"Yes, he's always talking about how adorable you are, or how you're so kind. I would say you're very lucky to have him, but it's the other way around." She replies. 

"I'm so happy we found each other. It hasn't been that long, but I just know we're going to last forever." I say, smiling.

"Oh, I'm sure of that." Mrs. Schnapp says, smiling also.

We sit in silence, comfortable silence, as she sips her coffee and reads. I can hear someone coming down the stairs and Chloe appears in the kitchen, filling up a glass of water. She smiles at me and I return the smile. So far on this trip, Chloe and her friends and Noah and I have mostly split off from our group, but today I hope we don't. I really want to get to know Chloe and her parents more than I already do. Hopefully we'll do something like that today.

"Good morning, sunshine." Noah says, putting his head on my shoulder.

"Good morning, schnipper." I reply, leaning my head on his. 


"Hey, Y/n, do you have any mascara?" Chloe asks, opening the door.

"Of course." I reply and walk over to my suitcase and pull out my makeup bag.

"Thanks!" Chloe says, taking it and leaving. I turn around and walk back over to the bed where Noah is sitting, scrolling through his phone.

"What are we gonna do today?" I ask, sitting next to him.

"Santa Monica Pier." Noah replies, putting his arms around my waist and pulling me close to him.

Our faces are inches apart. His hazel eyes trail all over my face but land back up at my eyes. We stare into each others eyes, admiring each other. Noah doesn't have one flaw. I wonder what he's thinking about. Before I could ask him, Noah gently puts his lips on mine. Returning the favor, I kiss him back. Instead of the passion from earlier, it's a sweet and loving moment. Our lips linger, but we pull away and lay back, tangled up in each others arms. This is all I could have ever asked for.

Mrs. Schnapp calls from downstairs to start getting ready, so I stand up and walk over to my suitcase and pull out some shorts and a top. Instead of going to the bathroom to change, I slip Noah's sweats off and begin to change. I can feel Noah staring, but it doesn't bother me this time. With him I feel comfortable and safe, like I don't have to worry about what he's going to think or say. It's nice being able to feel like that around someone other than Jade. Noah begins to change and I walk into the bathroom and brush out my hair, brush my teeth and put on some light makeup. Noah and I finish getting ready and walk downstairs to the kitchen.

"Ready to go?" Mr. Schnapp asks.

"Yeah." Noah replies.

I never really noticed before how tall Noah is compared to me. It's funny, because I'm usually the tall one compared to my friends. Mrs. Schnapp walks out the door and the rest of us follow her to the rental car. Noah, Chloe and I squeeze into the back, me in the middle. The radio turns on and one of my favorite songs plays.

"I love this song." Chloe and I say at the same time, causing both of us to laugh.

a/n -

it's boring, i'm sorry. i think i'm just gonna let the story go along and we'll find out if it's gonna be long or short :)

<3 lilia

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