Chapter 1

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A fierce light pierced through the curtains as (M/n) woke up from another sleepless night, his eyes painted with a bright red tint. He sat up, rubbing his head as he went towards the bathroom. He stared at his pale complexion, eyes scanning over his face and shaggy hair. "What a mess" he whispered under his breath as he tried flattening his out of place bed hair.

Continuing with his morning routine he looked at the old clock neatly framed on his wall "It's 8:00 AM" he stared blankly at the clock, struck with the realisation that it's the first day of school he dropped his toothbrush, put his uniform on and sprinted down the stairs, stumbling as he did. "Bye mum!" He called out whilst putting on his shoes.
"What about breakfast sweetie?" His mum replied peeking round the corner of the dining room door to look at her son.
"I'll have to pass, I'm already late" he said with an apologetic look and his hand on the back of his neck.
His mums innocent face slowly turned to an agitated one "well get going then! I don't want to receive a letter from the school asking why you were late on your first day."
He bolted out the door after one last goodbye and ran down the road towards his new school.

As he walked through the entrance gate he was baffled at the size of the building, after going to a middle school the size of your average house this was quite a shock. He smiled ecstatically as his walk turned into a jog, wanting desperately to look around the school. Among his excitement he forgot to take note of his surroundings and bumped into someone. "Ouch" (M/n) mumbled as he rubbed the soon-to-form bruise on the front of his head. "Watch where you're going punk!" He opened his eyes to be greeted with an angry student (with little hair may I add). With a bit of trouble he got on his feet and stared back at him. His bloodshot eyes must've scared the bald guy as his face relaxed and he backed away slightly.

"Sorry." (M/n) spouted, his eyes darting into the bald guys'. He put his hand back on his head to rub his new wound.

"I-it's fine" the Male stammered, a bit taken back by (M/n)s penetrating eyes. The bald guy walked away with a slightly disturbed look on his face.

Thinking nothing of it (M/n) stood up ready to continue his day.

Walking through the double doors into a never ending empty hallway he sighed shoving his hands deeply into his pockets "a part of school I didn't want to experience." He said to himself as he started searching for his home room (as it was listed on his acceptance letter). His eyes landed on a door with the characters 'E11'. Noticing this was his room he opened the door subtly as to not disrupt anyone inside. He looked around, only one person, evidently filling in some type of form. They had black hair, with a few pieces sticking up in the centre of their head. They had freckles dotted across their face and scrawny hands holding a pink pencil. Trying to get the smaller mans attention, (M/n) closed the door with a little more power, alerting the black haired Male to his presence.
"Hello" (M/n) said with a subtle smile on his face, waving slightly.
"Hi." The guy responded bluntly with a weak smile. (M/n) walked over glancing at the class work the guy was doing. "Need any help with that?" He offered.
The smaller Male blushed lightly not wanting it to seem like he's struggling. "No, I'm oka-" he started unable to finish as (M/n) bent down, his head right next to the smaller males.
"I'm (M/n) (L/n) by the way, but you can just call me (M/n)" he smiled at the black haired Male.
Still taken back from the fact that (M/n)s face was right next to his a second ago he blushed again, slightly darker this time "I-I'm Yamaguchi Tadashi" he stuttered, looking at (M/n)s eyes he saw they were bloodshot. "A-are you okay?" The smaller Male asked not trying to be rude "your eyes are red." He finished, with a hint of concern.

(M/n) noticed the concern on Yamaguchi's face. "Yeah I'm fine, long night is all" he looked back at Yamaguchi

Yamaguchi couldn't break his gaze, (M/n)s eyes were so beautiful even with the red tint. His sparkling (e/c) eyes putting Yamaguchi into a hypnotic state.

Noticing Yamaguchis lost expression "Yamaguchi?" He put his hand on the smaller boys shoulder shaking him lightly.

Broken from his trance Yamaguchi blushed yet again, the red blur on his cheeks only getting darker by the second. "S-s-sorry" he quickly turned back towards his class work, trying to cover up his molten red face.

Chuckling, (M/n) started ruffling Yamaguchis hair "You're so cute!" He said with a light hearted smile

"..." Yamaguchi sat stiffly. That was it, (M/n) had broken him. He put his face on the desk to disallow (M/n) from looking.

(M/n) chuckled again finally sitting himself down next to Yamaguchi, he checked his phone for any messages that would spike (get it? Spike? Ok) his interest before class. His face fell as he noticed the big, bright numbers on his screen that read '6:20'. Slamming his face on the desk he frightened the life out of the already half dead Yamaguchi. Noticing (M/n)s lifeless body he asked "what's wrong?" Tilting his head.

"I'M TWO HOURS EARLY!" He screamed. He began folding his arms on the desk, burying his head in his inner elbow. "This really... really sucks."


Thank you for reading this short chapter, it may have been quite bad , I'm sorry. :(

Things will get darker as we progress and you'll find out about this stories main plot point later, but for now enjoy a light hearted chapter about Yamaguchi. :3

Any tips would be greatly appreciated as I haven't written in a while and I've never written a reader story. ( I was literally getting super anxious because I didn't know when to say (M/n) or 'he/his/him' and if to say it for other characters or not.)

For reference you're 6'2 (tall boyo I know)

Anyway I hear the birds chirping outside since it's 5AM so goodnight <3

Pain *Haikyuu x Male Reader*Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora