how could you do this to me? (part 1)

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Y/N POV: I was on a supply run for more than 2 weeks, I couldn't wait too see my boyfriend (aka Carl grimes) I miss him so badly.:(

1• After what felt like forever, you eventually made it to Alexandrias gates. You immediately ran to the gates, your were so excited, and couldn't wait to see your amazing boyfriend Carl. Once the gates opened you ran directly to Carl's house, you wanted to surprise him so you peeked through the window to see if anyone was there, but what you saw made you break down in tears , you saw Enid (aka your best friend) and Carl making out. You went behind his house without anyone noticing, you broke down crying, and you remembered what Carl said, "Y/N I would never cheat on you, you're the most important person to me, I would never break your heart. I love you Y/N, and only you."

Y/N POV: I couldn't believe that my best friend Enid, was kissing Carl. She knew I was in love with him but she still did this? what a trader. And Carl (my boyfriend) told me that he would 'never' break my heart that's total bullshit!

2•After a while you snap back to reality, and realize that you have to stop this, so you quietly opened the front door and walked to the couch where Enid and Carl were cuddling, and kissing. Y/N said, "How could you do this to me Carl?!" you were about to cry, but you tried your best not too, but you couldn't hold it in, yours tears suddenly started streaming down your face. You looked up and carl said, "Y/N please forgive me it was a mistake! I can explain please...Y/N don't go. I love you and, only you"
"Their's nothing to explain! I just saw you kissing my best friend even though you knew she was, I thought you would 'never' break my heart, and now you did so i'm leaving" Y/N said. You ran out the house, and you realized it was already dark out, but you didn't care. You looked back and saw Carl trying to catch up with you, but you fastened you pace so that Carl wouldn't catch up. You climbed right over the Alexandrias gate and you looked back once more and there you saw carl, still trying to catch up, and he was crying.

Y/N POV: I kept running as fast as I could, still pouring my eyes out I couldn't see a thing, because it was dark out but then I saw this small light leading to a cabin, I took my knife out and gripped it tight enough so that any walker that decides to attack me, my knife won't fall. I opened the door ready to stab any walker but their's was no one not even a walker, and the light was just a candle. I decided to stay the night here, I walked near the sofa, and just sat there. I thought to myself "If he only loved me why would Carl do this to me?" I started tearing up again just thinking about it. I decided to lay down on the couch and just cry myself to sleep. I eventually fell asleep waiting for someone to wake me up, and say "Good morning Babygirl" I missed the good old days with carl always sayin' that to me when I woke up. But this idea popped up in your head so that you could win Carl back..but the idea involves trying to get Carl jealous, by trying to get with Ron, and Carl hates when you get near Ron, and when you talk about ron or even mention his name around him.

Part 2 with be out soon so be patient, hope you guys enjoyed this!:))

Why would you do this to me? (DISCONTINUED)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt