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Two slim big bodied thick plump princesses 🥵 were sitting in their 200 foot tall brick castle. They were forced there by Nathan Leclarc. He didn't want anyone to find his thick and sexy girlfriends. While he was away at his musical called newsies. Leo was reading John green books in the forest while he stumbled upon the castle. He admired the castle and the thick girls inside. "I must have them!" He says in his deep man voice. "Let down your hair!" He says. Catie and Lialah look at eachother in confusion. Catie unzips her pants and let's her long black hair flow out. Lialah opens her pants and her frogs slip out, creating a rope held together tightly by frogs. Leo was able to climb in and have sex with the girls👺. Nathan rushes home in a hurry, wishing to see his wives. He stumbles upon a book outside the castle, the fault in our stars to be exact. He is angered by this and yells for the girls to let down their slimy frog rope. Nathan steps inside and sees Leo. Automatically infuriated, he pushes Leo, knocking over the girls dildo chest, spilling it's fillings on the floor. Nathan slips in a butt plug and falls out the window, plummeting 200 feet to his death. Leo remarried the girls and has a giant country wedding. They ride his big green tractor into the sunset🤠. They end off pregnant with two dwarfs, once the babies were born one of them resembled midget Nathan. They slammed this baby into a wall, leaving it for the vultures. The end

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 02, 2020 ⏰

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